Earth and Beyond (Doctor Who)
Earth and Beyond is a Doctor Who audio production produced by the BBC featuring the Eighth Doctor and Sam Jones. The release contains three adventures that are read by Paul McGann. It was released onto cassette in 1999, as a sequel to the BBC Short Trips cassette of 1998.
Sam Jones's first trip in the TARDIS is to the Seychelles, where she encounters alien bounty hunters. Can the Doctor stop them making Earth their battleground?
Dead Time
Dead Time |
Cast |
Production |
Writer |
Andrew Miller |
Length |
1 episode, 38 min |
The TARDIS lands on a freezing world of utter darkness. Who are the strange creatures that want the Doctor dead? And what consequences will their actions have for the universe?
- Comments by Sam suggest that this follows Genocide
In print
The People's Temple
The People's Temple |
Cast |
Production |
Writer |
Paul Leonard |
Length |
1 episode, 90 min |
The Doctor and Sam arrive at Stonehenge during its construction. They soon discover that its origins are steeped in human suffering. But could Sam's attempts to make things better for the slave workers trying to complete the stone circle lead to a war?
In print
External links