Eckhard Wandel

Eckhard Wandel (born 24 November 1942 in Tübingen) is a German economist. From 1981 to 1985 he was professor for a certain time and from 1985 to 1996 unbudgeted/unscheduled Professor of Economic and Social History at the University of Tübingen. His teaching permission (Venia legendi) existed from 1979 to 1996.[1] In 1996, because of a criminal conviction, he was disallowed to carry the title of a professor.[2]

Life and Work

Studies and Teaching

After studying economics and business administration at the Freie Universität Berlin and at the University of Tübingen, Wandel finished in 1967 with a degree as a Diplom-Volkswirt. He then, 1968, received a scholarship in the USA and obtained his doctorate, a Dr. rer. pol. summa cum laude in 1970 with the thesis Die Bedeutung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika für das deutsche Reparationsproblem 1924–1929. From 1974 to1981 he was wissenschaftlicher Assistent with a lectureship in Economic and Social History at the Institute of Karl Erich Born at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tübingen. Wandel completed his habilitation in 1979 with the habilitation thesis Die Entstehung der Bank deutscher Länder und die deutsche Währungsreform 1948, then worked from 1979 to 1981 as a Privatdozent and was from 1981 to 1996 Professor of Economic and Social History at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tübingen.

Further Activities

Since 1969 Wandel worked as a General Manager in various companies and as treasurer in voluntary associations. He was in the supervisory board of the German Komet Group, Roto Frank AG and Cottana GmbH, also in the advisory board of Putzmeister.

From 1991 to 1994 Wandel served as a liquidator for the German Treuhandanstalt. In this position, he liquidated 20 enterprises of the former GDR and received a fee of about 20 millions Deutsche Mark for that.[2] In another context, already since 1986 there had been investigations against him for various economic crimes like fraud and delay of a Bankruptcy as part of his self-employed business activities. Due to medical opinion, Wandel managed to postpone the start of the process.[3] 1996 he was sentenced for a four and a half years' imprisonment by the district court of Stuttgart. Wandel had taken a Million German mark from the Freight forwarder Hansa to save his own companies. The court named that a criminal form of Creative accounting. The court also found out that Wandel did partially block the reparation of the damage done by him (about 11.5 Millions of German Mark) in the way that he let remit his fees by the Treuhand to the account of his wife. Wandel did not request a reduced sentence. The prosecutor had declared that only in case of a conviction in this scope he would waive other processes related to Wandels work for the Treuhand.[4] After the sentencing the University of Tübingen stripped Wandel off his title as a professor.[2][5]

From 1998 to 2010 Wandel worked as an independent business consultant for the Reschke Group,[6] with a focus on restructuring, vulnerability analysis and sales consulting. Further, he is a volunteer in several non-profit organizations and associations like Rotary International.[7]

Works and Writings (selection)

Struktur und Dimension: Festschrift für Karl Heinrich Kaufhold zum 65. Geburtstag, Band 2, Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997, pp. 310–335, ISBN 3-515-07066-4 

External links


  1. Helmut Marcon, Heinrich Strecker (Hrsg.): 200 Jahre Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Leben und Werk der Professoren. Steiner, Wiesbaden 2004, S. 876.
  2. 1 2 3 Otto Köhler (1997), Hans See, Eckart Spoo, ed., "Treuhand" (in German), Wirtschaftskriminalität - Kriminelle Wirtschaft. Distel-Hefte: Beiträge zur politischen Bildung (Distel Verlag) Band 33: pp. 37–38, ISBN 3-929348-16-0
  3. "Ein gebrochener Professor Wandel vor dem Landgericht Stuttgart." (PDF). Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, p. 28. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2014. Retrieved 2015-08-02.
  4. "Tübinger Professor Eckhard Wandel verurteilt: Viereinhalb Jahre Haft" (PDF). Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, p. 24. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2014. Retrieved 2015-01-17.
  5. Otto Köhler (2011) (in German), Die große Enteignung. Wie die Treuhand eine Volkswirtschaft liquidierte, Berlin: Das neue Berlin, pp. 287—289, ISBN 978-3-360-02127-4
  6. "Der Club der alten Lotsen" (PDF). Wirtschaftswoche Nr. 37, S. 117. 2001-09-06. Retrieved 2015-01-17.
  7. "Motto fürs neue Rotary-Präsidentenjahr heißt "Lachen"". Schwarzwälder-Bote. 2014-07-04. Retrieved 2015-01-17.
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