Edgardo M. Latrubesse

Edgardo M. Latrubesse is a Professor at the Department of Geography and the Environment at University of Texas at Austin. His research is focused on fluvial geomorphology, mega-geomorphology, paleogeography, and river management.
Research Interests
Edgardo Latrubesse's main research interests include the Neogene paleogeography, paleohydrology and paleoecology of the tropics with emphasis on Tropical South America, geomorphology, hydrology of large rivers and the impacts of human activities on large fluvial systems and tropical biomes. He has conducted fieldwork in the Amazon basin, the Pampean region, the Bolivian Altiplano, the Brazilian savannas (Cerrado), the Chaco and the Llanos del Orinoco.Currently he develop as well research on the Mississippi river in USA. He worked extensively on some of the largest rivers of the continent, such as the Amazon, Negro, Madeira, Purús, Juruá, Araguaia, Paraná, Sao Francisco, Mississippi and others.
Selected Publications
Books and special issues
- Latrubesse, E., Wilkinson, J.., Abad, J. (Guest Editors) (2014). Large rivers and megafans. Sedimentary Geology, 30 (9-184.
- Latrubesse, E., Stevaux, J.C. and Young, K. (Guest Editors). (2013). Abiotic controls in South American Riverine wetlands. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 46, 110-198.
- Sinha, R., Latrubesse, E. and Nanson, G. (Guest Editors). (2012). The Quaternary of tropical and subtropical rivers. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 356-357, 108p.
- Latrubesse, E. (2010) Natural Hazards and Human-Exacerbated Disasters in Latin America, Elsevier, UK, 510p.
- Vionnet C., Garcia, M., Latrubesse, E., Perillo G. (2010). RCEM 2009 River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Vol. 1 and 2., CRC Press-Taylor Francis Group, Netherlands, 1079p
- Stevaux, J.C. and Latrubesse, E. (Guest Editors), (2010) Ambientes Fluviais, Revista Brasileira de Geociências 41(4).
- Latrubesse, E., Chen Z. and Stevaux, J.C. (Guest Editors) (2009). Short and long term processes, landforms and responses in large rivers, Geomorphology, Vol 113, Issues 3-4, 127-252.
Articles in peer reviewed journals
- Latrubesse, E. and Restrepo, J. (2014). The Role of Andean Rivers on global sediment yield. Geomorphology.
- Park, E. and Latrubesse, E. (2014) A multi-temporal MODIS based platform to analyze suspended sediment distribution patterns in the Amazon River Remote Sensing of Environment
- D’Apolito, C., Absy, M. L., Latrubesse, E. (2013). Six Lakes (Pata) revisited: new light on a key palaeobotanical archive and the Last Glacial in the Amazon. Quaternary Science Reviews, 74, 140-155.
- Latrubesse, E., Stevaux, J.C., Young, K., (2013).Hydro-geomorphologic processes and Quaternary landforms controlling biotic components in South American wetlands: Introduction. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 46, 110-112.
- Montero, J.C., Latrubesse, E. (2013).The igapó of the Negro River in central Amazonia: linking late-successional inundation forest with fluvial geomorphology. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 46,137-149.
- Marchetti, Z., Pereira, S., Latrubesse, E., Ramonell, C.G. (2013).Distribution and Seasonal dynamics of vegetation and their relationship with the geomorphology of the Paraná River floodplain, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 46, 122-136.
- Valente, C., Latrubesse, E., Ferreira. L. (2013). Relationships among vegetation, geomorphology and hydrology in the tropical wetlands region of Central Brazil: the Bananal Island. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 46, 150-160
- Filizola,N., Latrubesse, E., Fraizy, P., Souza R., Guimarães V., Guyot, J.L. (2013). Was the 2009 flood the most hazardous or the largest ever recorded in the Amazon? Geomorphology. p://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.05.028
- Ferreira, M., Ferreira, L., Latrubesse, E., Miziara, F. and Soares Filho, B. (2012). Current land use and conversion trends in the savanna environments of central Brazil: an assessment from a geomorphology perspective. Journal of Land Use Science. DOI:10.1080/1747423X.2012.675363
- Sinha, R. Latrubesse, E., Nanson, G. (2012) Quaternary fluvial systems of tropics: major issues and status of research. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 356-357, 1-15.
- Latrubesse, E., Stevaux, J.C., Cremon, S., May J, Tatumi, M Hurtado, M., Argollo, J., Bezada, M. (2012). Late Quaternary megafans, fans and fluvio-aeolian interactions in the Bolivian Chaco, Tropical South America. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 356-357, 75-88
- Valente, C. and Latrubesse, E. (2012). Fluvial archive of peculiar avulsive fluvial patterns in the largest intracratonic basin of tropical South America: the Bananal basin, Central Brazil. Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 356-357, 62-74.
- Coe, M., Latrubesse, E., Ferreira, M., Amsler, M. (2011). Transformation of the Araguaia River, Brazil by deforestation and the implications for large tropical rivers. Biogeochemistry 105:119–131
- Latrubesse, E., Cozzuol, M., Rigsby, C., Silva, S., Absy, M.L., Jaramillo, C. (2010). The Late Miocene paleogeography of the Amazon basin and the evolution of the Amazon River. Earth Science Reviews, 99, 99-124.
- Latrubesse, E. and Stevaux, J.C. (2010). Hydro-geomorphology, sediment transport and human impacts in large South American rivers. Preface. Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 16 (2), 77-78.
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