Edig@s is an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard for the buying, selling, transporting and storage of gas. It is derived from the UN EDIFACT standard, of which it is an official subset. Edig@s is used almost exclusively in Europe, particularly France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and Scandinavia. Edig@s nominations are either optional or the prime method of nomination to the majority of gas networks in western Europe. Edig@s member networks include, amongst others, Fluxys, GTS, GRTGaz, Gassco and TIGF.[1] In addition several shippers use Edig@s to handle nominations internally. The majority of gas shippers in those markets use "ENOM", a commercially available Edig@s messaging system developed by Gas Management Services Ltd.[2] or "Cosmos", developed by [EGSSIS].[3]
Another market spread, commercial Dutch software system used for Oil and Gas trading and nominations is Ensys.[4]
Other EDI Standards for Gas Trading
North American gas companies use EDI based on the US ANSI X.12 standard.
5. Www.egssis.com , software
- ↑ Edigas.org, Edigas member list.
- ↑ GMSL, GMSL software.
- ↑
- ↑ Ensys - Energy Nomination System, software to handle Edig@s messaging developed by Raster.
External links
- http://www.edigas.org/ is the official Edig@s website
- http://www.gmsl.co.uk/ is the website of Gas Management Services Ltd, developers of ENOM+ Edigas messaging system
- http://www.ensysmessaging.com/ is the website of Ensys - Energy Nomination System