Eduardo Anguita

Eduardo Anguita Cuéllar (Yerbas Buenas, Linares November 1914 - Santiago de Chile August 12, 1992) was a Chilean poet, who was awarded the Chilean National Prize for Literature in 1988.


Eduardo Anguita was raised in San Bernardo, before integrating the College of the Augustine Fathers in Santiago. At 16, he began law studies in the Catholic University of Chile, which he dropped three years later in order to dedicate himself to literature. From then on, he collaborated to many reviews and newspapers, such as Ercilla, Plan, Atenea, La Nación, El Mercurio, etc. He also worked in advertising agencies and in various radios.

His first poems were published in 1934 under the name Tránsito al fin, and translated in English in 1942. A member of the Generation of 38, Eduardo Anguita started his literary career during a period marked by Surrealism and Creationism, a movement headed by Vicente Huidobro, to whom he became a close friend.

Alongside Volodia Teitelboim, Anguita published in 1935 the Antología de Poesía Chilena Nueva, which included poems by Vicente Huidobro, Rosamel del Valle, Pablo de Rokha, Pablo Neruda, Humberto Díaz Casanueva, Omar Cáceres, Angel Cruchaga Santa María, Juvencio Valle and both Anguita himself and Teitelboim. Three years later, a short story by Anguita (Las Hormigas Devoran a un Hombre Llamado David) was included in Miguel Serrano's Antología del verdadero cuento en Chile.

The US New Directions Publishers selected him in 1944, along with his friend Pablo Neruda, to be part of its yearly anthology of Latin-American contemporary poetry.

During Carlos Ibáñez del Campo's government (1955), he was named cultural attache in Mexico, where he published Palabras al oído de México in 1960.

At the end of his life he worked at the Editorial Universitaria as a publisher.


1934: Tránsito al fin (poesía).

1935: Antología de la Poesía Chilena Nueva (antología junto con Volodia Teitelboim).

1948: Últimos poemas (poesía).

1945: Antología de Vicente Huidobro (antología).

1950: Inseguridad del hombre (relatos).

1951: Anguita, cinco poemas (poesía).

1960: Palabras al oído de México (prosa y poesía).

1962: El poliedro y el mar (poesía).

1963: Rimbaud pecador (ensayo).

1967: Venus en el pudridero (poesía).

1970: Poesía Entera (antología).

1980: Se publica nuevamente, corregido, Venus en el pudridero.

1988: La belleza del pensar (crónicas).


1963: Premio de la Municipalidad de Santiago en poesía. Por El poliedro y el mar.

1972: Premio de poesía de la Municipalidad de Santiago. Por Poesía entera.

1981: Premio María Luisa Bombal de la Municipalidad de Viña del Mar.

1988: Premio Nacional de Literatura.

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