Eduardo Kohn
Eduardo Kohn is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at McGill University and winner of the 2014 Gregory Bateson Prize.[1] He is best known for the book, How Forests Think.
His 2013 book, How Forests Think, has been described by Cambridge Professor of Anthropology Marilyn Strathern as "thought-leaping in the most creative sense," and "[a] supreme artifact of the human skill in symbolic thinking.".[2] The work draws upon four years ethnographic fieldwork with the Run of the Upper Amazon in order to challenge the most basic assumptions of anthropological thought. Using the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce, Kohn proposes that all life forms, not only humans, engage in processes of signification and therefore should be considered as able to think and learn. Arguing that selfhood does not solely belong to humans, Kohn proposes that any entity which communicates through the use of signs can be considered a self, leading to a complex 'ecology of selves' of which humans and nonhumans are both a part.[3] Kohn's work builds upon a growing body of literature, from authors such as Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, which seeks to take the social sciences beyond the limits of strictly human relations.
In 2014 HAU included an entire section based on a book symposium discussing How Forests Think.[4] including contributions from Bruno Latour and [5] Philippe Descola.[6]
- Further Thoughts on Sylvan Thinking in Hau vol. 4 No. 2 (2014)
- How Forests Think: Towards and Anthropology Beyond the Human, University of California Press (2013)
- How dogs dream: Amazonian natures and the politics of transspecies engagement in American Ethnologist, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 3–24 (2007)
Further reading
- “An anti-nominalist book”: Eduardo Kohn on How Forests Think
- Eduardo Kohn’s How Forests Think: Toward an Anthropology Beyond the Human by Frédéric Keck
- The Way Life Thinks by Barbara J King for Times Literary Supplement
- ↑ Eduardo Kohn awarded 2014 Bateson Prize |
- ↑ Reviews at University of California Press
- ↑ Kohn, Eduardo (2013) How Forests Think: Towards and Anthropology Beyond the Human, University of California Press
- ↑ Hau vol. 4 No.2 (2014),
- ↑ On selves, forms, and forces |
- ↑ All too human (still): A comment on Eduardo Kohn's How forests think