Edward Bouverie Pusey

Vanity Fair caricature, 1875

Edward Bouverie Pusey (/ˈpjzi/; 22 August 1800 – 16 September 1882) was an English churchman, for more than fifty years Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford. He was one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement.

Early years

He was born in the village of Pusey in Berkshire. His father was Philip Bouverie (d. 1828), a younger son of the 1st Viscount Folkestone, and took the name of Pusey on succeeding to the manorial estates at that place. After attending Eton College, Edward became a commoner of Christ Church, and was elected in 1824 to a fellowship at Oriel College. John Henry Newman and John Keble were already at Oriel.

Between 1825 and 1827, Pusey studied Oriental languages and German theology at the University of Göttingen.

Oxford Movement

1869 cartoon of Frederick Temple (when Bishop of Exeter) above; Pusey and Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury below, by Matt Somerville Morgan
Main article: Oxford Movement

In 1828 the Duke of Wellington as Prime Minister appointed Pusey as Oxford Regius Professor of Hebrew, with the attached canonry of Christ Church. In the years which immediately followed, Pusey became attracted to the revolt against individualism. By the end of 1833, Pusey began sympathizing with those who had already begun to issue the Tracts for the Times. "He was not, however, fully associated in the movement till 1835 and 1836, when he published his tract on baptism and started the Library of the Fathers".[1]

Pusey closely studied the Church Fathers and Caroline Divines who revived traditions of pre-Reformation teaching. Pusey's sermon before the university in May 1843, The Holy Eucharist, a Comfort to the Penitent, so startled the authorities by the re-statement of doctrines which, though well known to ecclesiastical antiquaries, had faded from the common view, that he was suspended for two years from preaching (authorities citing near-obsolete traditions as their justification). The condemned sermon nearly immediately sold 18,000 copies; for the next quarter century, Pusey became possibly the most influential person in the Anglican Church.


The Oxford movement was popularly known as Puseyism and its adherents as Puseyites. Pusey was behind the scenes of every major controversy, theological or academic. In the Gorham controversy of 1850, in the question of Oxford reform in 1854, in the prosecution of some of the writers of Essays and Reviews, especially of Benjamin Jowett, in 1863, in the question as to the reform of the marriage laws from 1849 to the end of his life, in the Farrar controversy as to the meaning of everlasting punishment in 1877, he was occupied with articles, letters, treatises and sermons.

The occasions when Pusey preached before his university were memorable; some marked distinct stages for the High Church party he led. The practice of confession in the Church of England practically dates from his two sermons on The Entire Absolution of the Penitent, in 1846, which both revived high sacramental doctrine and advocated revival of the penitential system which medieval theologians had appended to it. The 1853 sermon on The Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, first formulated the doctrine round which almost all his followers' theology later revolved, and revolutionized the practices of Anglican worship.

Later life and legacy

Dr. Pusey with his family at breakfast, by Clara Pusey, c. 1856

In private life Pusey's habits were simple almost to austerity. He had few personal friends, and rarely mingled in general society; though bitter to opponents, he was gentle to those who knew him, and his munificent charities gave him a warm place in the hearts of many to whom he was personally unknown.

From 1880 Pusey was seen by only a few persons. His strength gradually declined, and he died on 16 September 1882, after a short illness. He was buried at Oxford in the cathedral of which he had been for fifty-four years a canon. In his memory his friends purchased his library, and bought for it a house in Oxford, known as the Pusey House, which they endowed with sufficient funds to maintain three librarians, who were charged with the duty of endeavouring to perpetuate in the university the memory of the principles which he taught.

Pusey is chiefly remembered as the eponymous representative of the earlier phase of a movement which carried with it no small part of the religious life of England in the latter half of the 19th century. His own chief characteristic was an almost unbounded capacity for painstaking work. His chief influence was that of a preacher and a spiritual adviser. As a preacher he lacked all the graces of oratory, but compelled attention by his searching and practical earnestness. His correspondence as a spiritual adviser was enormous; his deserved reputation for piety and for solidity of character made him the chosen confessor to whom large numbers of men and women unburdened their doubts and their sins.

Pusey aged about 75, painted by Rosa Corder

He was more a theological antiquary than a theologian. Pusey was in fact left behind by his followers, even in his lifetime. His revival of the doctrine of the Real Presence, coinciding as it did with the revival of a taste for medieval art, naturally led to a revival of the pre-Reformation ceremonial of worship. With this, Pusey had little sympathy. He protested against it (in a university sermon in 1859) and, though he came to defend those who were accused of breaking the law in their practice of it, said that their practice was alien to his own. But this revival of ceremonial became the characteristic of the new movement, and "Ritualist" thrust "Puseyite" aside. Pivotal in his own teaching was the appeal to primitive antiquity, which proved influential.

Pusey edited the Library of the Fathers, a series of translations of the work of the Church fathers. Among the translators was his contemporary at Christ Church, Charles Dodgson. He also befriended and assisted Dodgson's son "Lewis Carroll" when he came to Christ Church. When Carroll faced the death of his wife, Pusey wrote to him:

I have often thought, since I had to think of this, how, in all adversity, what God takes away He may give us back with increase. One cannot think that any holy earthly love will cease, when we shall "be like the Angels of God in Heaven." Love here must shadow our love there, deeper because spiritual, without any alloy from our sinful nature, and in the fulness of the love of God. But as we grow here by God's grace will be our capacity for endless love.


Pusey's first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed sympathy with the Pietists. Misunderstood, Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views. The misunderstanding of his position led Pusey in 1830 to publish a second part of his Historical Enquiry, in which he denied the charge of rationalism.

Of Pusey's larger works the most important are: his two books on the Eucharist (The Doctrine of the Real Presence (1855) and The Real Presence the Doctrine of the English Church (1857)); Daniel the Prophet (supporting the traditional historical date of that book); The Minor Prophets, with Commentary (Pusey's his chief contribution to the Hebrew study of his professorship); and the Eirenicon (endeavouring to find a basis of union between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church).


The Church of England remembers Pusey annually with a feast day on the anniversary of his death; the Episcopal Church translates his memorial on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA) to September 18.


In his domestic life Pusey had some severe trials; his wife died, after eleven years of married life, in 1839. His only son, a scholar who had shared many of his literary labours, edited an edition of Saint Cyril the Philosopher's commentary on the minor prophets, and died in 1880, after many years of suffering.

See also



External links

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