Eliane Montel

Eliane Montel
Born (1898-10-18)18 October 1898
Marseille, France
Died 1992, Paris, France
Residence France
Nationality French
Fields Physics, Chemistry, Radioactivity
Institutions ESPCI, Collège de France, Institut du radium
Alma mater École Normale Supérieure de jeunes filles de Sèvres
Known for works on radioactivity

Eliane Montel (1898–1992) was a French physicist and chemist.


Eliane Montel was born on 18 October 1898, in Marseille. Her parents were Jakob Nerval Montel, merchant, and Eva Esther Fitt. They were from a family belonging to the Jews of the Pope, who lived since several centuries in the south of France. She spent her childhood between Marseille and Montpellier.

Since the twenties, she was having a love affair with French physicist Paul Langevin. Their son, Paul-Gilbert Langevin, was born on the 5th of July 1933 in Boulogne-Billancourt.

Early years

Student in sciences at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de jeunes filles de Sèvres, she graduated in 1919, so she was able to teach sciences to young girls, and then graduated at the agrégation competition in 1923.

Professional career

In 1926, she starts to work as a voluntary help in the Curie laboratory at the Institut du radium, under Paul Langevin's recommendations, then as a free worker the next year. She publishes then her work Sur la pénétration du polonium dans le plomb in the Journal de physique.

Following her work in the laboratory, she is also a physics teacher in highschool during the year 1929–1930. In 1930, Eliane Montel asks Marie Curie to get for her a Rothschild scholarship for the year 1930–1931. Then she gets it. However, she needs to stop her researching work to help her mother and doesn't manage to finish the year.

In 1931–1932, she works as a researcher at the ESPCI, in Paul Langevin's laboratory. Eliane Montel stays with him until he dies, in 1946, visiting him when he is in house arrest in Troyes during World War II.

Working then in Frédéric Joliot-Curie's laboratory at the Collège de France, she is a political and scientific intermediate between Paul Langevin and his former student Frédéric Joliot-Curie.

After Paul Langevin's death in 1946, she continues the research work in the same laboratory under René Lucas's direction and works on gaseous ions mobility measures. She has to end and publish Paul Langevin's last work which was realised during World War II when he was in house arrest. "The device could manage to study the nature of ions and follow its formation and evolution, giving the mobility spectrum".

For the following years, she teaches physics and chemistry in highschool in Fontainebleau, near Paris, until her retirement in the sixties.

In 1967, Eliane Montel is at the Curie laboratory former researchers dinner, for Marie Curie's 100th birthday.

In 1972, she works on Paul Langevin's 100th birthday commemoration, publishing texts in his memory in some periodics and writing a personal text, Langevin et le rationalisme, le savant hors de la tour d'ivoire to be published in Scientia. She adds some material to a former text written in La technique moderne, in the thirties.

In the seventies and eighties, she becomes a close friend of history of religions specialist Jean-Paul Roux and follows his teaching at the Ecole du Louvre. She is then interested in several areas as history of religions, history of art, archeology, Far East, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Islam and Judaism. As she is soon ninety years old, she visits Eastern countries with him and goes to Syria.

She dies in Paris in 1992.


See also

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