Emanuel Araújo
Emanuel Araújo or Emanuel Oliveira de Araújo was born on December 24, 1942, in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil and died on July 15, 2000, in Brasília, Brazil.
Araújo became fluent in many modern languages and also in some classic languages such as Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Old Egyptian. This greatly influenced his work as a history professor at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and also at the Universidade de Brasília where he obtained his doctorate degree.
One of Araújo's main works is the book A construção do livro - Princípios da técnica de editoração (Rio de Janeiro, Editora Nova Fronteira, 1986). This publication was prefaced by Antônio Houaiss, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, the head editor of the Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, one of the major reference dictionaries for the Portuguese language.