Emmanuil Evzerikhin

Emmanuil Evzerikhin (Russian - Эммануил Ноевич Евзерихин), (July 22, 1911, Rostov-on-Don - March 28, 1984, Moscow) was a Russian photographer.
He was born in 1911 in Rostov-on-Don. In the late 1930s he worked for «Press Cliche TASS» as a photo chronicler.
In 1934 he moved to Moscow where he was able to photograph all the main events of the era - the congress of the Comintern and the congress of Soviets where the constitution was adopted, constructions, parades and Arctic expeditions. He photographed Maxim Gorky and Mikhail Kalinin and famous pilots Valery Chkalov and Mikhail Gromov.
During World War II he was on a number on fronts but his most famous photographs were taken in Stalingrad. He participated in the liberation of Minsk, Warsaw and Konigsberg.
After the war he taught photography and lectured around the country.
He died in 1984.
Author's book
Emmanuil Evzerikhin, Ed. PLACETDITIONS, 2007, 392 pages, ISBN 978-5-93332-206-1