Emotional responsivity

Emotional responsivity refers to the ability to acknowledge an affective stimuli by exhibiting emotion.[1] Any response, whether it is appropriate or not, would showcase the presence of this phenomena. Although emotional responsivity is a general term that is applied to nonclinical populations, it has also been associated with individuals with schizophrenia and autism.

Emotional responsivity is said to have a unique association with social interaction. Studies suggest that social interaction, especially at home, can influence the way a child responds to emotional stimuli. For example, if child grew up in a home where emotional displays resulted in punishment or negative criticism, the child would have the tendency to find ways to hide their emotions.[2]

Measures of emotional responsivity

In experimental studies, emotional responsivity can be measured through various tasks, which would allow participants' facial expressions and behavior to be recorded and sometimes coded. Tasks used to measure emotional responsivity, particularly in children, include:

Emotional responsivity can also be examined through psycho-physiological approaches such as:


  1. Mathews, J.R. & Barch, D.M. (2010). "Emotion responsivity, social cognition, and functional outcome in schizophrenia.". Journal of Abnormal Psychology 119 (1): 50–59. doi:10.1037/a0017861.
  2. Eisenberg,N., Fabes, R.A., Carlo, G., & Karbon, M. (1992). "Emotional responsivity to others: Behavioral correlates and socialization antecedents". New Directions for Child Development: 57–73.
  3. Sigman, M.D. ; Kasari, C.; Kwon, J.; Yirmiya, N. (1992). "Responses to the negative emotions of others by autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children". Child Development 63 (4): 796–807. doi:10.2307/1131234.
  4. Repacholi, B. M. & Gopnick, A. (1997). "Early reasoning about desires: Evidence from 14- and 18-month-olds. Developmental Psychology". Developmental Psychology 33: 12–21. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.33.1.12.

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