Enn Kunila
Enn Kunila (born 19 March 1950 in Tallinn) is an Estonian entrepreneur and art collector.
Kunila is the Member of the Board and one of the shareholders of NG Investeeringud, which is one of the biggest Estonian private capital based investment and holding companies in Estonia.[1] NG Investeeringud group employs more than 4300 people and operates in trade, industry and real estate.
Enn Kunila was awarded The Order of the White Star of the Fourth Class in 2006 by the President of the Republic of Estonia to give recognition for his contribution in Estonian entrepreneurship.[2]
Enn Kunila is a member of the governing bodies of different public enterprise-related organizations. In 2007-2015 he was the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Estonian Food Industry. [3]
As an art collector and a patron, Enn Kunila has been a remarkable endorser of Estonian art life. As an acknowledgement for his deeds, Estonian Museum Association entitled Enn Kunila “The Friend of Estonian Museums” in 2009,[4] and in 2010 he was the honoree for the U.S. Baltic Foundation Philanthropy Award of the Baltic States.[5] In 2012 Estonian Minister of Culture awarded the title “Friend of Culture 2011” to Enn Kunila.[6]
Enn Kunila is the Chairman of the Board of the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society since its foundation in 2007. He is also the founder of the Board of Art Patrons that has been an important financial supporter of the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society.[4]
By profession, Enn Kunila is an engineering-technologist[7] in the field of metal cutting processing.
- 1970–1974 factory of repair and mechanics “Progress”, Engineer in Chief/Technologist;
- 1974–1983 specialized office of construction in the Ministry of Building Materials’ Industry of ESSR, Metrologist in Chief of the Ministry
- 1983–1984 manufacturing company “Vasar”, Executive of the Marketing Department
- 1984–1990 manufacturing company “Norma”, Executive of the Marketing Department
- 1990–1991 Union of Manufacturing Cooperatives, Director
- 1991–1994 public company “Norma”, Import Manager
- 1994–1996 Norma AS, Import Manager
- 1996–1999 Norma AS, Vice-Chairman of the Council
- 1994– ... NG Investeeringud OÜ, Vice-Chairman of the Board
- AS Liviko, Chairman of the Board[1][9]
- AS Balbiino, Chairman of the Board[1]
- AS Tallinna Kaubamaja Kinnisvara, Chairman of the Council[1][9]
- OÜ Tartu Kaubamaja Kinnisvara, Chairman of the Council[8]
- OÜ Roseni Kinnisvara, Chairman of the Council[8]
- OÜ Roseni Majad, Chairman of the Board[8]
Enn Kunila is also the member of the boards of all the enterprises that belong to the concern of NG Investeeringud.
Social Activity
- Member of the Estonian Business Association
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre[8]
- Chairman of the Board of the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society[8]
- Member of the Board of the Cultural Society of Hiiu County[10]
- Chairman of the Society of Friends of Hiiu County
- Member of the Council of The Estonian Employers’ Confederation[8] 2007-2015
- Member of the Board of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry[8] 2009-2015
- Member of the Council of The Association of Estonian Food Industry,[8] in 2007-2015 Chairman of the Council
Art Collection
Enn Kunila is the founder and owner of one of the finest art collections in Estonia. His art collection comprises the works of art by important Estonian artists of the classical period. Kunila’s art collection, both in the level of the works of art and the artists, is comparable to the permanent exhibitions of Estonian art museums concentrating on the same era.[11]
Kunila’s art collection has been exhibited in many significant exhibitions, for example in 2010 in Tallinn Art Hall where the exhibition "From Köler to Subbi" beat the audience record of all times with nearly 13 000 visitors,[12] and in autumn in Kunsthalle Helsinki, on the exhibition "Viron Värit" ("Estonian Colours"), which hosted the most elaborate exhibition of Estonian classical art exhibited abroad.[13] In 2015, Enn Kunila's art collection was exhibited in Rome in Vittoriano Museum (Il Vittoriano) with the exhibition "I colori del Nord" ("Nordic Colours).
Enn Kunila has written in “Estonian Classical Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection”,[14] the book introducing his art collection:
I believe that in a small country like Estonia, every bigger art collection is also an inseparable element of the national culture. Hence, every art collector not only has the right, but also the duty to disclose their collection, both to the art scientists and the researchers, but first and foremost to the wider public.— Enn Kunila, "Estonian Classical Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection", p. 6
Enn Kunila also believes that a particular painting may be owned by him, but the value of art pertains to our culture and this obliges him to arrange exhibitions and publish books of his collection.[11]
Artists represented in the collection of Kunila: Johann Köler, Amandus Adamson, Paul Raud, Ants Laikmaa, Konrad Mägi, Nikolai Triik, August Jansen, Roman Nyman, Johannes Greenberg, Paul Burman, Ado Vabbe, Aleksander Vardi, Adamson-Eric, Johannes Võerahansu, Richard Uutmaa, Eerik Haamer, Lepo Mikko, Endel Kõks, Elmar Kits, Evald Okas, Henn Roode, Olev Subbi,[11] Tiit Pääsuke, et cetera. The collection comprises the works of art by more than 60 artists.
The main adviser of Enn Kunila in the field of art has been his great friend, painter Olev Subbi.[15]
Art critic Eero Epner has written in the book “Viron värit – 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaidetta Enn Kunilan kokoelmasta”:[16]
If, however, we look at Kunila’s art collection in a European context, then we must point out its capacity to concentrate within its framework the history of painting of a small country from its beginning to the present day. We must once again at this point emphasise that the aim of the collector has been to make his subjective choices and to base those choices on clear performances in taste. At the same time, Kunila’s collection has a museum-like quality since there are few such private collections in Europe that cover the art history of some country so thoroughly.— Eero Epner, ”Viron värit – 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaidetta Enn Kunilan kokoelmasta, p. 291
Art Exhibitions
- In 2004 – exhibition ”Pühapäev” (“Sunday”) in Lohusalu
- In 2007 – exhibition of the paintings by Olev Subbi in Kärdla Cultural Centre, Hiiu County[11]
- In 2007 – exhibition ”Igatsus ja kohalejõudmine. Töid Enn Kunila kogust” (“Yearning and the Arrival. Artworks from the Collection of Enn Kunila”) in the Museum of Hiiu County and Haus Gallery in Tallinn. The exhibition rendered a selection of the motifs of journey and homeland in Estonian art that had been painted in 1880-1960.[17]
- In 2008 – exhibition ”Paar sammukest rändamise teed“ (“A Couple of Steps of the Travelling Road”) in the Museum of Hiiu County. The exhibition was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.[18]
- In 2010 – exhibition ”Kölerist Subbini. 150 aastat eesti klassikalist maalikunsti Enn Kunila kogust” (“From Köler to Subbi. 150 Years of Estonian Classical Paintings from the Collection of Enn Kunila”)' in Tallinn Art Hall, where 85 paintings from 34 artists were on display.[19]
During the exhibition, Kunila also started an educational program, offering excursions, led by art scientists, free of charge.[19] He also gave the book “Estonian Classical Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection” to all the school libraries as a gift.[15]
- In 2010 – exhibition ”Valik moodsa kunsti klassikat Enn Kunila kollektsioonist“' (“A Selection of Modern Art Classics From the Collection of Enn Kunila”)' in Kärdla Cultural Centre, Hiiu County.[20]
- In 2010 – exhibition ”Meri, rand ja Saaremaa Enn Kunila kollektsioonis“ (“The Sea, the Shore, and Saaremaa in the Collection of Enn Kunila”) in Kuressaare Town Hall Gallery.[21]
- In 2010 – the most elaborated survey exhibition of Estonian art exhibited abroad, ”Viron värit – 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaidetta Enn Kunilan kokoelmasta“ (“Estonian Colours – 150 Years of the Art of Classical Estonian Painting From the Collection of Enn Kunila”) in Kunsthalle Helsinki.[22]
There were 111 artworks by 44 painters on display at the exhibition in Kunsthalle Helsinki.[23]
- November 2010–February 2011 – exhibition ”Valik graafikat ja joonistusi Enn Kunila kollektsioonist” (”A Selection of Graphic Art and Drawings from the Collection of Enn Kunila”) in the Museum of Hiiu County.[24]
- In 2013 – exhibition ”Ühe keti neli lüli. Laikmaa, Mägi, Vabbe, Kits“ (“Four Links of One Chain. Laikmaa, Mägi, Vabbe, Kits”) in the Museum of Hiiu County.
The exhibited artists were the pioneers of the traditions in Estonian painting. The artists displayed are the four links of one chain which is the history of Estonian art, particularly the painting tradition that is based on colour-concentration and the impression of nature.[25]
- In 2013 - exhibition „Ühe keti neli lüli 2. Roode, Subbi, Põldroos, Pääsuke“ (“Four Links of One Chain 2. Roode, Subbi, Põldroos, Pääsuke”) in the Museum of Hiiu County.[26]
- In 2013 - exhibition „Nordic Colours. Estonian Art 1910-1945 from Enn Kunila´s Collection“ in the European Parliament, Brussels.
- In 2014 - exhibition „Kuldaja värvid. Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonist" ("Colours of the Golden Age. Classical Estonian Painting from Enn Kunila's Collection“) at Mikkel Museum [27]
For the first time in Estonia, an interactive multimedia programme Journey in the Golden Age was available to visitors which utilised tablet computers that visitors could borrow from the museum. The exhibition was accompanied by a catalogue compiled by the curator Eero Epner, as well as a story and colouring book called Fish Net and Milk Can.[27]
- In 2015 - exhibition "I Colori del nord. L'arte estone tra il 1910 ed il 1945 dalla collezione di Enn Kunila" ("Nordic Colours. Estonian Art 1910-1945 from Enn Kunila´s Collection") in Vittoriano Museum in Rome.
- In 2015 - exhibition "Värvide sümfoonia. Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonist" ("Symphony of Colours. Classical Estonian Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection") in Kuressaare Castle in Saaremaa.
Additionally, the works of art from the art collection of Enn Kunila have been in display at many important exhibitions, including the representational exhibition of Estonia in Paris in 2001,[9][28] and the exhibitions ”Grand Tour. Eesti kunstnikud Itaalias“ (“Grand Tour. Estonian Artists in Italy”) in 2008–2009, "Neoimpressionismi jälgedes. Mägi ja Finch. ("Tracing Neo-Impressionism: Mägi and Finch") in 2010, "Igavesti naiselik. Johannes Greenbergi ja Ferdi Sannamehe looming" ("Forever Feminine. The Work of Johannes Greenberg and Ferdi Sannamees") in 2011, ”Aedade järelelu“ (“The Afterlives of Gardens”) in 2013, "Lepo Mikko" in 2013-2014, "Natuuri rikkus. Eluläheduse idee ja Düsseldorfi koolkond" ("The Force of Nature. Realism and the Düsseldorf School of Painting") in 2015, "Ants Laikmaa. Vigala ja Capri" ("Ants Laikmaa. Vigala and Capri") in 2015-2016 in the Art Museum of Estonia and also at several ohter exhibitions.
Art books and albums that accompanied the exhibitions of Enn Kunila’s collection:
- Hain, J. (2004). „Pühapäev: Olev Subbi maalid“. (Sunday: The Paintings of Olev Subbi). Tallinn: Printon. (28 pages)
- Epner, E. (2007). „Igatsus ja kohalejõudmine: töid Enn Kunila kogust“. (Yearning and the Arrival: Artworks From the Collection of Enn Kunila). Tallinn: Sperare (173 pages)
- Epner, E., Pählapuu, L., (2007). „Paar sammukest rändamise teed: valik maale Enn Kunila kogust“. (A Couple of Steps of the Travelling Road: A Selection of Paintings From the Collection of Enn Kunila). Tallinn: Sperare. (55 pages)
- Epner, E. (2010). „Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonis”. (Estonian Classical Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection). Tallinn: Sperare. (207 pages), that was published during the exhibition “From Köler to Subbi. 150 Years of the Art of Classical Estonian Painting from the Collection of Enn Kunila”.
- Epner, E. (2010). "Valik moodsa kunsti klassikat Enn Kunila kollektsioonist“. (A Selection of Modern Art Classics From the Colletion of Enn Kunila). Tallinn: Sperare. (38 pages)
- Epner, E., Pählapuu, L., (2010). „Meri, rand ja Saaremaa Enn Kunila kollektsioonis“. (The Sea, the Shore, And Saaremaa in the Collection of Enn Kunila). Tallinn: Sperare (52 pages)
- Epner, E. (2010). „Viron värit – 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaidetta Enn Kunilan kokoelmasta“ (Estonian Colours – 150 Years of the Art of Classical Estonian Painting From the Collection of Enn Kunila"). Tallinn: Sperare. (270 pages). The book includes summaries in English, Swedish and Estonian.[29]
- Epner, E. (2013). „Ühe keti neli lüli. Laikmaa, Mägi, Vabbe, Kits“. (Four Links of One Chain. Laikmaa, Mägi, Vabbe, Kits.) Tallinn: Sperare. (116 pages)
- Epner, E. (2013). „Ühe keti neli lüli 2. Roode, Subbi, Põldroos, Pääsuke“. (Four Links of One Chain 2. Roode, Subbi, Põldroos, Pääsuke) Tallinn: Sperare. (46 pages)
- Epner, E. (2013). „Nordic Colours. Estonian Art 1910-1945 from Enn Kunila´s Collection“. (Exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels 23.09-27.09.2013) Tallinn: Sperare. (87 pages)
- Epner, E. (2013). „Nordic Colours. Estonian Art from Enn Kunila´s Collection“. Tallinn: Sperare. (159 pages)
- Epner, E. (2014). "Kuldaja värvid. Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonist". (Colours of the Golden Age. Classical Estonian Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection). Tallinn: Sperare. (120 pages)
- Epner, E., Rõõmus, J. (2014) "Kalavõrk ja piimamannerg". (Fish Net and Milk Can), colouring book. Tallinn: Sperare. (32 pages).
- Epner, E. (2015). "I colori del nord. L'arte estone tra il 1910 ed il 1945 dalla collezione di Enn Kunila". (Nordic Colours. Estonian Art 1910-1945 from Enn Kunila’s Collection). Tallinn: Sperare. (135 pages)
- Epner, E. (2015). "Värvide sümfoonia. Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonist". (Symphony of Colours. Classical Estonian Painting from Enn Kunila’s Collection). Tallinn: Sperare. (56 pages)
Kunila has additionally published three biographical and art books:[11]
- Epner, E. (2006). Monograph „Subbi“, Tallinn: Sperare (295 pages), that Kunila dedicated to his friend and adviser in the field of art, Olev Subbi.
- Põldroos, E. (2008). "Enn Põldroos. Maalid 1967–2007“ (Enn Põldroos. Paintings 1967–2007), Tallinn: Sperare, (166 pages), that was published to celebrate the 75th birthday of Enn Põldroos.
- Epner, E. (2015). Biography "Olev Subbi". Tallinn: Sperare. (390 pages).
- In 2006 Enn Kunila was awarded The Order of the White Star of the Fourth Class by the President of the Republic of Estonia for his contribution in Estonian entrepreneurship.[2]
- In 2009 Estonian Museum Association entitled Enn Kunila “The Friend of Estonian Museums”.[30]
- In 2010 Enn Kunila was the honoree for the U.S. Baltic Foundation’s Philanthropy Award of the Baltic States for introducing and supporting Estonian art and culture. Thereat he was acknowledged for his charitable activity in organizing art exhibitions, in publishing different art books, and in arranging events to introduce art and culture.
- In 2012 the title “Friend of Culture 2011” was awarded to Enn Kunila by Estonian Minister of Culture.
- 1 2 3 4 „Näitus Enn Kunila maalikollektsioonist“ Haus Galerii, 14. juuni 2010.
- 1 2 „Rüütel annab riikliku autasu 834 inimesele“ Eesti Päevaleht, 7. veebruar 2006.
- ↑ „Enn Kunila valiti tagasi toiduliidu volikogu juhtima“ Tarbija24, 30. märts 2012
- 1 2 „Aasta muuseumisõbraks valiti ettevõtjast kunstikollektsionäär Enn Kunila“ Klassikaraadio, 31. mai 2009.
- ↑ „Enn Kunila sai USAs filantroopiaauhinna“ Äripäev, 17. mai 2010.
- ↑ „Lang tunnustas aasta kultuurisõpru – Nordea panka, Nordic Hotelsi ja Enn Kunilat“ Delfi, 3. veebruar 2012.
- ↑ „Teekond põllutöölisest kunstilembeliseks firmaomanikuks“ Äripäev, 29. september 2012.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Kes on kes Eesti majanduses 2010", Tallinn: Eesti Kaubandus- ja Tööstuskoda. (2010) lk 104
- 1 2 3 4 „Elu läbi kunsti“ Äripäeva lisa Gentleman, detsember 2008.
- ↑ "Hiiumaal kõlab esimest korda ooper" ERR, 9. juuli 2012.
- 1 2 3 4 5 "Enn Kunila – Kunstiarmastusest sündinud kollektsioon" Kultuur ja Elu, 2010 nr 1.
- ↑ "Kunila kunstinäitust külastas Tallinnas ligi 13 000 inimest" Äripäev, 2 April 2010.
- ↑ "Helsingis avati näitus Enn Kunila maalikogust" ERR, 15. oktoober 2010
- ↑ Epner, Eero (2010). "Eesti klassikaline maalikunst Enn Kunila kollektsioonis". Tallinn: Sperare, 2010, p 6.
- 1 2 3 "Enn Kunila kunsti täis elu" Postimees – E24, 20. veebruar 2010.
- ↑ Epner, Eero (2010). "Viron värit – 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaidetta Enn Kunilan kokoelmasta". Tallinn: Sperare, 2010, p. 291.
- ↑ "Kunstikollektsionäär avab näituse Eesti kunstiklassikast" Eesti Päevaleht, 6. november 2007.
- ↑ "Enn Kunila maalikogu näitus lõi publikurekordi" Õhtuleht, 3. märts 2010.
- 1 2 "Enn Kunila: kunst on Eestile hea visiitkaart" Eesti Päevaleht, 23. veebruar 2010.
- ↑ "Moodsa kunsti klassikuid saab nautida Kärdlas" Hiiu Leht, 5. märts 2010.
- ↑ "Kõige suurem mägi Eestis ei ole Suur Munamägi, vaid kunstnik Konrad Mägi…" Saarte Hääl, 16. juuni 2010.
- ↑ "Läbimurre: Enn Kunila saadab oma maalikogu Soome näitusele" Eesti Päevaleht, 31. august 2010.
- ↑ "Viron maalaustaide esittäytyy laajasti Helsingissä" Savon Sanomat, 15. lokakuu 2010.
- ↑ "Pika Maja saalis on väljas valik graafikat ja joonistusi Enn Kunila kogust" Hiiu Nädal, 19. november 2010.
- ↑ "Kärdlas näeb Eesti klassikalise maalikunsti paremikku" ERR Menu, 20. juuni 2013.
- ↑ "Hiiumaal avatakse Olev Subbi mälestusele pühendatud näitus" Eestielu, 12.september 2013.
- 1 2 "Colours of the Golden Age. Classical Estonian Painting from Enn Kunila's Collection" Mikkel museum
- ↑ Näitus „Meri, rand ja Saaremaa Enn Kunila kollektsioonis“ on Kuressaare Raegaleriis (Tallinna tn 2) avatud T-R kl 10–17 ja L kell 10–15 alates 30. aprillist kuni 26. juunini 2010." Saaremaa.ee Sündmused, 2010.
- ↑ "Reedel avati Helsingis suur eesti klassikalise maalikunsti ülevaatenäitus" Eesti Ekspress, 19. oktoober, 2010.
- ↑ "Muuseumide sõbra tiitli pälvis tänavu Enn Kunila" ERR, 2. september 2009.
- ↑ "Tähelaev: Enn Kunila" ERR, 27. jaanuar 2013.
- ↑ Tähelaev: Enn Kunila ETV (ERR), 27. jaanuar 2013.
External links
- Enn Kunila's Art Collection
- NG Investeeringud
- Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society
- Association of Estonian Food Industry
- Estonian Business Association – Members
- Bearers of the Estonian State Decorations – Enn Kunila