Wolfgang Hohlbein
Wolfgang Hohlbein | |
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Born |
Weimar, Germany | August 15, 1953
Occupation | Novelist |
Genre | Fantasy, science fiction, horror, thriller, children's literature, movie tie-in books |
Website | |
hohlbein |
Wolfgang Hohlbein (born August 15, 1953 in Weimar, Thuringia) is a German writer of science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction who lives near Neuss, North Rhine-Westphalia. His wife, Heike, is also a writer and often works with her husband. She often comes up with the story ideas and therefore is generally credited as co-author. He is quoted saying it is she who brings the "fairytale-magic" to his works.
Writing short stories since age 15, Hohlbein was first recognized as an author after sending in a manuscript he and his wife had written at a fantasy and science fiction writing contest in 1982. They won and their book, Märchenmond (English title: "Magic Moon"), was published by Ueberreuter Verlag, soon becoming a bestseller and winning several awards. It is one of their greatest successes till today.
Many of his more than 200 books are translated and published in many European countries as well as in South Korea. Yet for many years none of his works had been translated into English, not even the eight Indiana Jones novels he wrote. In 2006, Magic Moon was translated into English and published in the United States.
He says that Hagen von Tronje, his adaptation of the Germanic legend of the same name, is his favorite among his own novels.
Bibliography (Selection)
- 1984 Die Kinder von Troja – (The Children of Troy)
- 1986 Hagen von Tronje – (Hagen of Tronje)
- 1987 Midgard – (Midgard) (with Heike Hohlbein)
- 1987 Das Siegel – (The Seal)
- 1988 Drachenfeuer – (Dragon Fire)
- 1988 Die Moorhexe – (The Moor Witch)
- 1989 Odysseus – (Odysseus – Greek name for Ulysses from Latin Name Ulixes)
- 1989 Der Greif – (The Gryphon)
- 1989 Der letzte Aufschlag – (The Last Service)
- 1990 Das Teufelsloch – (The Devil's Hole)
- 1990 Der Inquisitor – (The Inquisitor)
- 1990 Magog – (Magog)
- 1991 Spiegelzeit – (Mirror Time)
- 1992 Unterland – (Underland)
- 1992 Videokill – (Videokill)
- 1993 Das Druidentor – (The Druid Gate)
- 1993 Die Prophezeiung – (The Prophecy)
- 1994 Die Bedrohung – (The Menace)
- 1995 Dreizehn – (Thirteen)
- 1995 Stirb langsam – jetzt erst recht – (Die Hard with a Vengeance) (after the movie of same name)
- 1996 Das Netz – (The Net)
- 1996 Die Rückkehr der Zauberer – (The Return of the Sorcerers)
- 1996 Schattenjagd – (Shadow Hunt)
- 1997 Katzenwinter – (Cat Winter)
- 1997 Wolfsherz – (Wolvenheart)
- 1998 Die Nacht des Drachen – (The Night of the Dragon)
- 1998 Wyrm – (Wyrm)
- 1999 Dunkel – (Dark)
- 1999 Krieg der Engel – (War of the Angels)
- 2000 Das Avalon-Projekt – (The Avalon-Project)
- 2001 Flut – (Flood)
- 2003 Das Buch – (The Book)
- 2004 Der Ring der Nibelungen – (The Ring of the Nibelungs) (with Torsten Dewi)
- 2004 Feuer – (Fire)
- 2004 Das Blut der Templer – (The Blood of the Templars) (after the German movie of the same name)
- 2005 Das Blut der Templer II – Die Nacht des Sterns – (The Blood of the Templars II – The Night of the Star) (with his daughter Rebecca Hohlbein)
- 2005 Anubis – (Anubis)
- 2005 Die Tochter der Himmelsscheibe – (The Daughter of the Skydisk)
- 2006 Das Paulus-Evangelium – (The Paulus-Gospel)
- 2007 Die Rache der Nibelungen – (The Revenge of the Nibelungs) (with Torsten Dewi)
- 2007 Horus – (Horus)
- 2007 Sturm – (Storm)
- 2007 Unheil
- 2010 Thor – (Thor)
- 2010 Wir sind die Nacht – (We Are The Night)
- 2010 Die Tochter der Midgardschlange -(The daughter of the Midgard serpent)
(with Heike Hohlbein)
- 1983 Märchenmond – (Magic Moon)
- 1990 Märchenmonds Kinder – (Children of Magic Moon)
- 1998 Märchenmonds Erben – (Heirs of Magic Moon)
- 2005 Die Zauberin von Märchenmond – (The Sorceress of Magic Moon)
- 2009 Silberhorn
(with Dieter Winkler)
A series of fantasy novels following the adventures of Skar, a Satai (an order of itinerant martial artists wielding "star-forged" indestructible Tschekal swords). Though not initially obvious, the setting gradually reveals a post-apocalyptic North American continent long after earth was apparently invaded by extraterrestrials. Many monsters are "star-born" and many, but not all, "magic" effects resemble technologies such as elevators, beam weapons (called "scanners"), video feeds and nuclear weapons, as seen through the eyes of the protagonist.
The main antagonist is an eerie organism resembling a web of pulsating black strings which can apparently take on many forms and appears as various creatures and even buildings. In the fifth book, a black, insectoid creature the size of a human child eventually bursts from the body of a warrior traveling with Skar; it is an indestructible killing machine that stalks Skar throughout the remainder of the series.
The series' original title was to be 'EndWorld', which was eventually shortened to 'Enwor'.
- 1983 Der wandernde Wald – (The Wandering Forest)
- 1983 Die brennende Stadt – (The Burning City)
- 1984 Das tote Land – (The Dead Land)
- 1984 Der steinerne Wolf – (The Wolf of Stone)
- 1984 Das schwarze Schiff – (The Black Ship)
- 1987 Die Rückkehr der Götter – (The Return of the Gods)
- 1989 Der flüsternde Turm – (The Whispering Tower)
- 1989 Das schweigende Netz – (The Silent Net)
- 1989 Das vergessene Heer – (The Forgotten Army)
- 1989 Die verbotenen Inseln – (The Forbidden Islands)
- 1999 Das elfte Buch – (The Eleventh Book)
Together with Karl-Ulrich Burgdorf, Hohlbein also wrote Die Insel der Sternenbestie (Isle of the Star Beast), a gamebook in the Enwor setting where the player, a fisherman, is hired by the Satai Lorn to ferry his expedition to a mist-shrouded island off the coast in search of treasure. The book is infamous for invariably ending horribly for the player character (and the entire expedition) unless he opts to cowardly leave the island early on in the adventure instead of trying to rescue Lorn when he goes missing, effectively missing out on the main part of the adventure. Abandoning the doomed expedition really seems to be the 'canonical' solution, as in this ending the character is narrated to have taken on the name of a secondary character from the novels and joined Skar on his travels.
- 1994 Azrael – (Azrael)
- 1998 Azrael – Die Wiederkehr – (Azrael – The Return)
- 2004 Die Zeit vor Mitternacht – (The Time Before Midnight)
- 2004 Geisterstunde – (Witching Hour)
- 2004 Albtraumzeit – (Nightmare Time)
- 2004 In dunkelster Nacht – (In Darkest Night)
- 2004 Die Stunde des Wolfs – (The Hour of the Wolf)
- 2004 Morgengrauen – (Dawn)
- 1989 Die beste Frau der Spaceforce – (The Best Woman of the Spaceforce)
- 1990 Dunkel ist die Zukunft – (Dark Is The Future)
- 1990 Die Königin der Rebellen – (The Queen of the Rebels)
- 1990 In den Ruinen von Paris – (In The Ruins of Paris)
- 1990 Die schlafende Armee – (The Sleeping Army)
- 1990 Hölle aus Feuer und Eis – (Hell of Fire And Ice)
- 1991 Die schwarze Festung – (The Black Fortress)
- 1991 Der Spinnenkrieg – (The Spider War)
- 1991 Das Sternen Inferno – (The Star Inferno)
- 1991 Die dunkle Seite des Mondes – (The Dark Side of the Moon)
- 1998 Überfall auf Skytown – (Raid on Skytown)
- 1999 Der dritte Mond – (The Third Moon)
Die Legende von Camelot – (The Legend of Camelot)
(with Heike Hohlbein)
- 2000 Gralszauber – (Grail's Magic)
- 2001 Elbenschwert – (Elf Sword)
- 2002 Runenschild – (Runes Shield)
(with Heike Hohlbein)
- 2004 Die tote Stadt – (The Dead City)
- 2004 Im dunklen Land – (In The Dark Land)
- 2004 Der Thron von Tiernan – (The Throne of Tiernan)
- 2004 Der Gott der Elder – (The God of the Eldar)
(with Heike Hohlbein)
- 2006 Eis – (Ice)
- 2006 Stein – (Stone)
- 2006 Diamant – (Diamond)
Thor Garson
- 2007 Der Dämonengott – (The Demon God)
- 2007 Das Totenschiff – (The Death Ship)
- 2007 Der Fluch des Goldes – (The Curse of the Gold)
The Dark Eye – Das Jahr des Greifen (The Year of the Gryphon)
(with Bernhard Hennen)
- 1993 Der Sturm – (The Storm)
- 1994 Die Amazone – (The Amazon)
- 1994 Die Entdeckung – (The Discovery)
Indiana Jones
- 1990 Indiana Jones und das Schiff der Götter – (Indiana Jones and the Longship of the Gods)
- 1990 Indiana Jones und die Gefiederte Schlange – (Indiana Jones and the Feathered Snake)
- 1991 Indiana Jones und das Gold von El Dorado – (Indiana Jones and the Gold of El Dorado)
- 1991 Indiana Jones und das verschwundene Volk – (Indiana Jones and the Lost People)
- 1991 Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschingis Khan – (Indiana Jones and the Sword of Genghis Khan)
- 1992 Indiana Jones und das Geheimnis der Osterinseln – (Indiana Jones and the Secret of Easter Island)
- 1993 Indiana Jones und das Labyrinth des Horus – (Indiana Jones and the Labyrinth of Horus)
- 1994 Indiana Jones und das Erbe von Avalon – (Indiana Jones And The Avalon Inheritance)
- 1993 Hadrians Mond – (Hadrian's Moon) (with Johan Kerk)
- 1994 St. Petersburg Zwei – (Saint Petersburg The Second) (with Johan Kerk)
- 1994 Sandaras Sternenstadt – (Sandara's Star City) (with Johan Kerk)
- 1995 Operation Mayflower – (Operation Mayflower) (with Ingo Martin)
Der Hexer von Salem
- Der Hexer von Salem (The Warlock of Salem)
- Neues vom Hexer von Salem (News of the Warlock)
- Der Hexer von Salem: der Dagon-Zyklus (The Warlock of Salem: The Dagon Cycle)
- Der Hexer von Salem: die Sieben Siegel der Macht (The Warlock of Salem: The Seven Seals)
- Auf der Spur des Hexers: wie der Horror begann (In Pursuit of the Warlock: How the Horror Started)
- Der Sohn des Hexers (The son of the Warlock)
- Der Hexer von Salem: das Labyrinth von London (The Warlock of Salem: The Labyrinth of London)
Die Chronik der Unsterblichen
- 1999 Am Abgrund (At the Abyss)
- 2000 Der Vampyr (The Vampyr)
- 2001 Der Todesstoß (The Deathblow)
- 2002 Der Untergang (The Demise)
- 2003 Die Wiederkehr (The Return)
- 2004 Die Blutgräfin (The Blood Countess)
- 2004 Der Gejagte (The Hunted)
- 2005 Die Verfluchten (The Cursed)
- 2007 Blutkrieg (Blood War)
- 2007 Das Dämonenschiff (The Demon's Ship)
- 2008 Göttersterben (Dying Gods)
- 2009 Glut und Asche (Blaze and Ashes)
- 2010 Der schwarze Tod (The Black Death)
External links
- Official website (German)
- Hohlbein's 'Indiana Jones' novels at www.theraider.net (Indiana Jones fanpage)