Erythrina zeyheri

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Erythrina
Species: E. zeyheri
Binomial name
Erythrina zeyheri

Erythrina zeyheri, commonly known as the ploughbreaker, is a deciduous subshrub and member of the Fabaceae, which is endemic to southern Africa. It grows no more than 60 cm tall[1] and occurs naturally in the higher altitude grasslands of South Africa's central plateau, and that of adjacent Lesotho.[2] They favour clay soil in the vicinity of creeks and marshes and often form colonies.[1] Its specific name commemorates the 19th century botanist, Karl Zeyher.


The glabrous, trifoliolate leaves have large leaflets armed with recurved spines along the rachis and main venation,[3] which is prominently raised below. The shoots and leaves are deciduous, dying away during harsh highveld winters,[1] when the plant survives as an extensive tuberous rootstock. Inflorescences appear in summer, from October to January.[1] The drooping scarlet, or rarely white flowers[3] are capped by a red calyxes.

Their fruit are smooth black pods, each containing a few hard, orange-red seeds.[1][3]


It is a foodplant for the moth Terastia margaritis.[4]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Elliot Lithudzha, K Behr,. "Erythrina zeyheri". South African National Biodiversity Institute. Retrieved 19 December 2012.
  2. Reports of its occurrence in Botswana and Zimbabwe are suspect, see: "Erythrina latissima E. Mey. (Notes)". Flora Zambesiaca. Retrieved 21 December 2012.
  3. 1 2 3 van Wyk, Braam; et al. (1988). Veldgids tot die Veldblomme van die Witwatersrand en Pretoria. Cape Town: Struik. pp. 206–207. ISBN 0-86977-815-3.
  4. Goff, R. "Terastia margaritis". African Moths. Retrieved 21 December 2012.

External links

Media related to Erythrina zeyheri at Wikimedia Commons

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