Eta Chamaeleontis

Eta Chamaeleontis (η Cha), is a star located in the constellation Chamaeleon. Eta Chamaeleontis is also known as HR 3502, and HD 75416. Eta Chamaeleontis is located at Right Ascension 08h 43m 4.6 sec and Declination -78 deg 46 arcmin 57 arcsec.

Eta Chamaeleontis is an B8V dwarf star with an effective temperature of 12000 Kelvin. It has an apparent visual magnitude of +5.47, an absolute magnitude of +.53 and a mass of 3.7 solar masses. It is located 97 pc (315 light years) from the Sun.[1]

η Cha is the brightest and most massive member of the eponymous Eta Chamaeleontis Cluster (or Mamajek 1), a very nearby (316 light years), and young (8 million years old) open cluster discovered in 1999. The cluster contains nearly 20 stellar members spread out over a 40-arcminute diameter region of sky, including the neighboring A-type star HD 75505 and the eclipsing binary RS Cha.[2] All of the low-mass members (including RS Cha) are pre-main sequence, and several of them appear to still be accreting from protoplanetary disks.


  1. "Eta Chamaeleontis Cluster". NASA. Retrieved 2 June 2013.
  2. Mamajek, E.E., Lawson, W.A., Feigelson, E.D. (1999). "The eta Chamaeleontis Cluster: A Remarkable New Nearby Young Open Cluster". Astrophysical Journal Letters 516: L77. Bibcode:1999ApJ...516L..77M. doi:10.1086/312005.
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