Eugen Hadamovsky
Eugen Hadamovsky (14 December 1904 – 1 March 1945) was a radio production director for Nazi Germany.
Hadamovsky was born in Berlin, Brandenburg. He was an early Nazi supporter, who helped organize Nazi radio listeners and handled the technical details at many of Hitler's mass rallies. Shortly after the Nazi takeover, he served as the National Programming Director for German radio and in a variety of other posts during most of World War II. He was chief of staff in the Nazi Party's Central Propaganda Office (Reichspropagandaleitung) in Berlin from 1942-1944. In addition he authored seven propaganda books, the most significant of which was "Propaganda and National Power" (1933), the only book treating the general principles of propaganda published during the Third Reich. Other books include "World History on the March", which was published just before the invasion of Poland, and applauded the Third Reich in general and the return of the Memel Territory, Adolf Hitler's last negotiated territorial gain, previously lost to Lithuania after World War I. Joseph Goebbels was not entirely pleased with Hadamovsky, as is evident by many references in Goebbels' diaries.
Toward the end of World War II, Hadamovsky joined the 4th SS Polizei Division and died in combat as an Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) at the head of his company on the Eastern Front early in March 1945 near Rummelsburg. He received a bullet in the heart. Goebbels wrote of him as one of the best comrades, an energetic and loyal companion and an old friend.