International Federation of Resistance Fighters – Association of Anti-Fascists
The International Federation of Resistance Fighters – Association of Anti-Fascists also known by its French initials FIR (Fédération Internationale des Résistantes - Association des Antifascistes) is an organization of veterans of the anti-Axis resistance fighters, partisans, members of the anti-Hitler coalition. During the Cold War, it was a communist dominated organization that furthered the policies of the Eastern Bloc.[1]
The FIR was founded in June 1951 in Vienna. It was formed by an earlier organization called the International Federation of Former Political Prisoners; the latter organization had been founded in Paris in 1947.[2] (Other sources say 1946[3])
General Assemblies
- Vienna June 1951.[4]
- Vienna November 1954[4]
- Vienna November 1958 (first session); March 1959 (second session)[4]
- Warsaw December 1962[4]
- Budapest December 1965[4]
- Athens October 19 – 20, 2007 [5]
- Berlin January 9–10, 2010[6]
- Sofia, Bulgaria October 2013[7]

Red countries have at least one member of the FIR
Albania - Antifascist National Liberation War Veterans of the Albanian People
Austria - Vereinigung österreichischer Freiwilliger in der spanischen Republik
Austria - Bundesverband österreichischer Widerstandskämpfer und Antifaschisten
Belarus - Veterans Organisation of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium - Comité d’Action de la Résistance – Aktie Raad van de Weerstand
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Association of veterans of the People’s Liberation & Antifascist War of Bosnia & Herzegovina (1941-1945)
Bulgaria - Union Antifasciste Bulgarie
Croatia - Savez Antifasistisckih Roraca i Antifasista Republike Hravatske
Cyprus - Cyprus Veterans Association World War II
Cyprus - Pancyprian Democratic Resistance Association
Czech Republic - Verband der Freiheitskämpfer
Denmark - FIR Denmark
France - Association Nationale des Cheminots Anciens Combattants
France - Union des Juifs pour la Résistance et l’Ent’aide
France - Association Nationale des Anciens Combattants de la Résistance
France - Comitee Internationale de Ravensbrück
France - Amicale des Anciens Guerrilleros Espanols en France
France - Comite Internationale Sachsenhausen
Germany - Verband Deutscher in der Resistance, in den Streikräften der Antihilterkoalition [8]
Germany - Internationales Sachsenhausen Komitee
Germany - Lagergemeinschaft Ravensbrück/ Freundeskreise
Germany - Förderverein Gedenkstätte Steinwache/ Internationales Rombergpark Komitee
Germany - Kämpfer und Freunde der Spanischen Republik 1936-1939
Germany - Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschisten
Germany - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neuengamme
Germany - Jenischer Bund in Deutschland
Greece - Union Panhellénique des Combattants de la Résistance Nationale
Greece - Panhelleic ligue of Middle East-Fighters
Greece - Organisation Panhellénique des Combattants de la Résistance Nationale
Greece - Ligue Panhellénique des Combattants de la Résistance Nationale
Greece - Panhellenic Cultural Society Descendants and Friends of National Resistant and Democratic Army
Greece - Panhellenic Federation of Resistance Organisations
Greece - Second Generation
Hungary - Verband der ungarischen Widerstandskämpfer und Antifaschisten- Gemeinsam für Demokratie
Israel - Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight against nazism
Israel - Organization of Partisans Underground Fighters and Ghetto Rebels in Israel
Israel - Veterans Union of World War II – Fighters Against Nazism
Italy - Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia
Italy - Associazione Partigiani Matteotti del Piemonte
Latvia - Assoc. des Anciens Combattants du 130e Corps d’Armée de Tirailleurs Lettons et des Partisans
Luxembourg - Les Amis des Brigades Internationales Luxembourg
Luxembourg - Comite International de Sachsenhausen
Macedonia - Union of Veterans from the national liberation and antifascist war of Macedonia 1941 – 1945
Netherlands - Vereniging Landlijk Kontakt-Groep Verzetsgepensioneerden (40-45)
Netherlands - Antifaschisten Oud-Verzetsstrijeders Nederland – Bond van Antifa
Poland - Polski Zwiazek Bylych Wiezniów Politycznych Hitlerowskich Wiezién I Obozów Koncentracyjnych
Portugal - Uniao de Restistentes Antifascistas Portugueses
Romania - Asociatia Antifascistilor din Romania
Russia - Russisches gesellschaftliches Komitee der ehemaligen Kriegsteilnehmer
Russia - International Association of Veterans Organizations
Serbia - Saveza udruženja boraca narodnooslobodilackog rata Srbije 1941-1945
Slovakia - Slovensky Svaz Protifasistict Bojovnikot Ustiedny Vybor
Slovenia - Zvezo združenj borcev za vrednote NOB
Spain - Amicale de Mauthausen y otros campos
Spain - Associacion Brigadas Internationales (Voluntarios de la Libertad)
Spain - Associacio de Ex-Presos y Represaliados Politicos Antifrancistas
Spain - Associacio Catalana d’Expresos Politics
Ukraine - All-Ukrainian Union of War Veterans
See also
- World Veterans Federation
- World Federation of Trade Unions
- Women's International Democratic Federation
- World Federation of Democratic Youth
- International Union of Students
- International Organization of Journalists
- International Association of Democratic Lawyers
- World Federation of Scientific Workers
- World Peace Council
- Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
- ↑ Facts about international Communist front organisations pp. 85-6
- ↑ Facts about international Communist front organisations p. 85
- ↑ Hoover Institution Yearbook on international communist affairs 1966 Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press. p.511
- 1 2 3 4 5 Yearbook on international communist affairs 1966 p.513
- ↑ Bulletin of the International Federation of Resistance (FIR) – Association of Anti-Fascists #12 November 2007
- ↑ Bulletin of the International Federation of Resistance (FIR) – Association of Anti-Fascists #19 February 2010
- ↑ Successful congress in Sofia
- ↑ "DRAFD e.V. - Verband Deutscher in der Résistance, in den Streitkräften der Antihitlerkoalition und der Bewegung "Freies Deutschland" e.V.". Retrieved 2014-04-09.
External links
- Official website
- "Memorandum by the World Veterans'Federation and the International Federation of Resistance Fighters concerning Articles 41 and 42 of draft Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (CDDH/III/INF.213), 27 Apri1 1976" (PDF). Official Records of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts XVII. pp. 221–225. Retrieved 2014-04-09.
- Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskampfer (International Federation of Resistance Fighters), report, 1961
- USSR 1961. Postal stamp commemorating 10th Anniversary of International Federation of Resistance Fighters
- USSR 1971. Postal stamp commemorating 20 years International Federation of Resistance Fighters - Association of Anti-fascists
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