Félix Díaz (cacique)

Félix Díaz (Colony The Spring, province of Formosa, 28 November 1959) is the qarashé of the aboriginal community Potae Napocna Navogoh (more commonly known as The Spring) pertaining to the Qom in Argentina, is one of the greater referents in the defence by the rights of the natives in this country.[1][2][3][4]


Félix Díaz learnt to read and to write after having ingresado to the colimba. As soldier escort the Argentinian selection of football and made operative controls in the city of Rosary during the world-wide of 1978. As Díaz, the general Leopoldo Galtieri pretended that the natives are part of the army. His period in the colimba, went one of the few occasions in where it did not suffer any type of discrimination, being treated like a conscripto more, but soon abandoned the idea of adentrase in the army, when it knew of the abuses that committed the soldiers on Argentinian civilians, thought that possibly it was forced to integrate a "group of tasks". It participated of the bellicose exercises that did with reason of the clash with Chile by the Conflict of the Beagle in 1979.[4]

The rights of the native villages are protected thanks to the international commitments that the Argentinian State assumed after reforming the Constitution in 1994. The law 26.160 declares "emergency of the earths and forbids the desalojos until it do the relevamiento of communities for the otorgamiento of the corresponding titles". Nevertheless, these initiatives were not respected by the Argentinian State in reiterated occasions.[5]

The governor of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán promoted in 2010 the construction of the National University of Formosa and a national park inside territories of the community Qom.[4] Díaz beside other Qom cut the National route 86 in way of protest by the edificación of the National Institute that was making in ancestral earths of the Qom. In spite of that the Argentinian Constitution establishes the right of the native villages to his ancestral earths, as also this present in the International Right of the human rights, in where it recognises the relation that keep this type of communities with his territory. The works of construction were interrupted, expecting a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. On 23 November 2010 while Díaz beside the Qom were manifesting by the earths that claimed like ancestral territories, arrived five armed civilians that demanded a portion of the earths to the Qom.[6] There were incidents when Díaz approach to them, produced two shots against him, but went out ileso of the incident. This same day during the cut of route the police repressed violentamente to the members of the aboriginal community, by the fact died a qom Roberto López and some police.[4][7] Like consequence of the facts of 23 November, Díaz beside 23 members of the community Qom had to confront to penal processes, whereas in the provincial jurisdiction are accused by crimes of occupation and usurpación of terrains.[6]

After the incidents Díaz beside his community moved his protest to the city of Buenos Aires, but any public body neither governmental attended the problematic, to exception of Florencio Randazzo who received to Félix Díaz. The Pope Francisco received to Díaz in front of the worry by the gravity of the facts. In spite of this the threats to the Qom did not cease.[5]

The Supreme Court of Justice quoted a public audience for 7 March 2012 in where all the parts could expose his position, did present representatives of the provincial government, beside the Institute of Native Subjects, the CELS, and Félix Díaz like representative of the community Qom, in replacement of the governor of Formosa was the provincial public prosecutor, Stella Maris Zabala of Copes. It exposed on the problematic regarding the territories and the spiral of violence against the natives.[8]

The pleaded defender of Díaz, of the CELS argue that the fiscalía desoyó the proofs presented by Díaz, whereas only it has accepted the testimonies offered by the policemen. In April 2012 Díaz was sobreseído beside the 23 members of the community by fault of proofs. In November the Camera of Appeals of Resistance withdrew the charges against Díaz and Amanda Asikak in relation to the cut of route, the judges argued that that was the only measure of protest that the aborigines had to his disposal.[9] In August Díaz was run over by a van when it travelled in his motorcycle, according to witnesses the vehicle that hit to the cacique was property of the family that demanded earths.

As the Observatory of Human rights of the Native Villages (ODHPI): "the criminalización of the villages originarios does not give so much in the exercise of the legitimate right of protest, but when it does use of rights recognised jurídicamente, such like catchwords of earths and territories whose rights are protected by the national and provincial Constitution".[10]

However, the Penal Room ordered that it followed investigating the supposed participation of Díaz in the violent acts of 23 November, the justice never has investigated the attacks perpetrados against Díaz and his community. The Inter-American Commission of Human rights asked him to the Argentinian authorities that took measured to guarantee the security of Félix Díaz and his family, in spite of the police presence, registered other threats against the community.[6]

Félix Díaz beside the Argentinian musician Gustavo Cordera, speaking in front of media during the camp Qom made in 2015, besides the musician touched three songs.

In 2012 while Díaz driving by the crossing of the routes 2 and 86, was run over by a van pickup, the van gave to the escape. The van that cause the incident was recognised by inhabitants of the zone as of property of the family Celía, that in addition to being fellow near of the government of Formosa, already had starred an attack against Díaz during the cut of the route 86. Shortly after that the incident took public state, Díaz was carried to a room of intensive therapy. The cacique argued that the fact treat of an attack against his life:[11]

In January 2013, Juan Daniel Asijak of 16 years of age, nephew of Díaz died as a consequence of an accident in the route. Had a hit with an iron oxidado that to the not seeming have been product of the accident, the family of the cacique Qom suspicion that treated of a homicide.[12] This same month a boy of the community, Imer Ilbercio Flores was murdered in Villa Laugh Bermejito, province of the Chaco. A month backwards had occurred a similar fact, when a van charged a motorbike handled by another miebro of the community, what produced the death of Celestina Jara and his Lilac granddaughter Coyipé.[13]

To finals of February 2015 the communities Qom, Pilagá, Wichí and Nivaclé (grouped under the organisation Qopiwini) undertook a camp in the intersection of the Avenue 9 of Julio and Avenue of May beside his qarashe Félix Díaz, to report the actions of the government of Formosa and achieve signatures of citizens adherentes to his catchword.[14] Díaz declare that after four years had not fulfilled any of the agreements with the table of dialogue. International amnesty asked to the Argentinian State that protect the physical integrity of the community.[7] The camp had repercussion in some international means, as it was the case of The Guardian.[15] On 1 July more than one hundred effective of the Federal Police surrounded the camp. Díaz declared that there was not violence by part of the ejectivos, but it presented in front of him a commissioner that had the eviction order. When the news spread by the media, approached some representatives of the human rights like Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Nora Cortiñas to support .[16] In April the camp suffered an attack, when a person on board of a motorcycle threw a bomb molotov against one of the carps, almost in the same moment, in Formosa people no identified ingresaron to the installations of the Radio Qom FM 89.3 MHz and shattered equipment.[17] On 1 September the Argentinian musician Gustavo Cordera visit the acame, declare in front of the means in favour of the catchword and touch three songs.[18] Also it went beside Díaz to the Intractable television program.[19]

See also



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