Félix Toranzos

Félix Toranzos
Born Félix Toranzos Miers
October 30, 1962
Asunción, Paraguay
Nationality Paraguayan
Known for artist
Notable work “Geometrías”, “Asunción, los escenarios de la utopía”
Awards Prize “Pedro Agüero”, Asunción, Paraguay. 1998

Félix Toranzos (born October 30, 1962) is a Paraguayan artist, architect and graphic designer, considered to be one of the most conspicuous representatives of the new generation of artists in Paraguay.

Early life

Born in Asunción, capital of the Republic of Paraguay, on October 30, 1964. His parents are Don Luis Toranzos, a prominent artist himself, and Angelina Miers, of Argentina. He attended the elementary school “General Eduvigis Diaz” in his neighborhood, where he spent much of his childhood until his father died. His Secondary School was at Colegio Nacional de la Capital. Since youth, he has been in contact with art and its manifestations, through the activities of his father in this area. Undoubtedly, the great artist Luis Toranzos constituted, unintentionally, a great motivating influence to raise Felix in a natural inclination toward plastic expression.

As Felix says: "My father always wanted me to continue the career that I always wanted, architecture, but on the road, gave it a sharp turn toward Plastic, which my father gave me, since he painted with great eloquence without even having had a formal education, as I had happened to my… " In 1973 and 1974, he conducted studies in the Escuela de Bellas Artes Asunción. Likewise, in 1980 he ended his career of architecture, made in the National University of Asunción. In all those years of training, his management regarding the discovery and experimentation in various techniques plastic makes this a unique self-taught artist.

His career

The artist with a work.

He has delivered classes in drawing and painting workshops at the Centre for Visual Arts, as part of a group of Paraguayan and foreign artists who devote part of their time to training young apprentices in the art, technique and taste for the aesthetic. His first sample dates back to 1979. Since then, he has raised to great heights his artistic production, which gave him a privileged place among Paraguayan painters, to become one of the most prominent artists of his generation. He has made significant individual and collective exhibitions organized by several galleries and art centers, Asuncion Buenos Aires, Peru Spain, Brazil, Japan and United States of America. His works are part of the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Paraguayan Centre for Visual Arts. They are also given in Museo del Barro Asunción.

Part of its plastic production, integrates the Collection of the Art Museum of the America of the Organization of American States Washington DC (OAS Art Museum of the USA) Numerous private collections of Paraguay and the United States contain his works, with some produced by Felix Toranzos.


Among his major solo exhibitions include:

“Intro-Misiones”, Drawings and other techniques, Galería Fábrica. Exhibition of Drawings, Café de la Plaza.

Paintings Exhibition, Café de la Plaza.

Paintings Exhibition, Galería Fábrica. Paintings Exhibition, Fundapel, Salón Municipal, Pelotas Brasil.

Paintings Exhibition, Galería Arte-Sanos.

Paintings Exhibition, Galería Arte-Sanos. Objects and Paintings Exhibition, Galería Fábrica. Watercolor Exhibition, Galería Forum. Watercolor Exhibition, Galería Arte-Nuestro, Villa Rica.

Drawings and Objects Exhibition, Galería Arte-Nuestro, Villa Rica. Watercolor Exhibition, Café de la Plaza. Drawings and Painting Exhibition, Galería Ana Scappini.

Objects and Paintings, Centro de Arte, Corriente Alterna, Lima, Perú. Drawings Exhibition, Galería El Patio. Paintings Exhibition, Galería Arte-Sanos.

"Asunción-Otra Escenografía Utópica", Galería de Arte del Patio López.

"Taller de Arquitectura", Drawings Exhibition, Espacio Miguel Acevedo, Centro Cultural de la Ciudad. "Buonarroti, los trazos preliminares", Drawings and Paintings, Galería Fábrica.

"Delgado Rodas, Los trazos preliminares", Drawings and Paintings, Galería Fábrica. "Asunción, los escenarios de la utopía", Galería Scappini-Lamarca. "Objects and collage", Galería Fábrica. "Leonardo, los primeros trazos", Verónica Torres, Colección de Arte.

"Primigenia", paintings and collage, Galería Scappini-Lamarca.

"La Estancia de Rafael", Paintings, Galería Fábrica.

“Trans-visión de Palladio”. Galería Fábrica.

Drawings and Paintings Exhibition, Centro Cultural Citibank. Objects and Paintings Exhibition, Galería Fabrica.

"La Resistencia de los materiales", Centro Cultural Español, Juan de Salazar. Drawings and Paintings Exhibition. Galería Matices. Paintings Exhibition, Centro Cultural Citibank.

Likewise, he has taken part in numerous exhibitions, and biennial collective samples in Asunción and other major cities around the world.

Year Main Exhibitions.
1979 La Plástica Joven en el Paraguay, Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano. Asunción.
1982/1983 Prize “Benson&Hedges” Artes Visuales. Asunción.
1984 9th. International Drawing Exhibition, Modern Art Museum, Rijeka, Yugoslavia.

Muestra de cajas y objetos, Galería Fábrica. Asunción. "Arte Experimental" 10th. Anniversary, Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción.

1985 Luís y Félix Toranzos` Paintings, Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción.

"Plástica Paraguaya Actual", Galería Magister. Asunción.

1986 Bienal Latinoamericana de Arte sobre papel. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1987 "Interiores", Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción.

"La luz y la imagen", Galería Miró. Asunción. 19º Bienal Internacional de Arte Sao Paulo, Brazil.

1988 "De regiones y paisajes", Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción. Paraguay.

"Eros y Thanatos", Galería 530. "Naturarte", Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción. Paraguay. 5ta. Bienal del Retrato, Tuzla, Yugoslavia. "Homenaje a la Ciudad de Asunción", Banco Unión, Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción. Paraguay. Luis y Félix Toranzos` Paintings, Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción. Paraguay. "Espacios y construcciones", "De realismos y Surrealismos", Galería Arte-Sanos/ San Bernardino, Paraguay.

1989 "Acto de Libertad", Galería Arte-Sanos.

1ra. Bienal de Arte Joven, Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Dos momentos en la Pintura Paraguaya Contemporánea", Galería PRAXIS, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1990 "Homenaje a Van Gogh", Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano. Asunción. Paraguay.
1991 Exposición de Arte Emergente, Nagoya, Japan.

"Siete Pintores del Paraguay", Centro Cultural Puerta de Toledo, Madrid, Spain. Semana Cultural Paraguaya, Salón Dorado, Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Exposición de Pinturas, Galería Ana Scappini. Asunción. Paraguay.

1992 Diez dibujantes paraguayos, Centro Cultural de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Diez Pintores Paraguayos, Centro Cultural Misiones, Posadas, Argentina. "RE-Renacimiento", Galería Arte-Sanos. Asunción. Paraguay. "Colombino, y cuatro artistas del Paraguay", Galería Centoira, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1993 Presencia del Paraguay, Galería Latinoamericana, Casa de las Américas, La Habana, Cuba.

"Ocho artistas del Paraguay", Museo de Arte de las Américas. OEA, Washington. Homenaje a Miró, Galería El Patio. Asunción. Paraguay.

1994 Juan Montes y Félix Toranzos, Cantegril Country Club, Punta del Este, Uruguay.

15 Artistas Paraguayos, Centro de Arte, Corriente Alterna, Lima, Perú. Versiones de Cuatro Artistas, Galería de Arte del Patio López. Asunción. Paraguay. "Vento Sul", Exposición itinerante por Capitales Brasileñas. "Veinte Años, El ciclo de Arte-Sanos", Exposición Colectiva. Asunción. Paraguay. Sanguinetti/Toranzos, Galería Belmarco. Asunción. Paraguay. Homenaje a Pedro Aguero, Galería El Patio. Asunción. Paraguay. Ocho artistas paraguayos en Washington, Galería Fábrica. Asunción. Paraguay. Grabados de Artistas paraguayos, Galería Lamarca. Asunción. Paraguay.

1995 "Dos generaciones del Arte Paraguayo", Centro Cultural de la Municipalidad de Miraflores, Lima, Perú.

"Apyka", Sillas del Paraguay. Centro Cultual de la Ciudad de Asunción. Vento-Sul, Exposición Itinerante latinoamericana, Casa Castelví, Centro Cultural de la Ciudad. Asunción. Paraguay. Artistas Brasileños y Paraguayos, salones de Promopar. Asunción. Paraguay. "Divagaciones sobre la caja", Galería Fábrica. Asunción. Paraguay. Susana Romero y Félix Toranzos, Cajas, Pequeña Galería. Asunción. Paraguay.

1996 Félix Toranzos and Grabadores Mexicanos` Paintings, Salones de Alba de Ahorros para la Vivienda. Asunción. Paraguay.

Los tiempos de Goya, Galería Scappini-Lamarca. Asunción. Paraguay. El lenguaje del Abanico, Galería Fábrica. Asunción. Paraguay. Exposición Selección Premio La Nación. Asunción. Paraguay.

1997 International Exhibitions. Lima, Perú.

XXVII Asamblea General de la OEA, Museo de Osma, Lima, Perú. Collective Exhibition, Galería Scappini-Lamarca. Asunción. Paraguay. 1ra. Bienal de Arte del Mercosur, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

1998 Artecom 98, Exposición Colectiva, Instituto Cultural Paraguayo Alemán.

Medina/Toranzos, Galería Scappini-Lamarca. Asunción. Paraguay.

1999 Gabriela Zuccolillo y Félix Toranzos, Verónica Torres, Colección de Arte.

Collective Exhibition, Galería Fábrica. Asunción. Paraguay. Exposición 10 Años de Pequeña Galería. Asunción. Paraguay. Ordiñana, Miranda y Toranzos, Galería Multiarte. Asunción. Paraguay.

2000 "El Ultimo Decenio", Exposición Colectiva, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Montevideo, Uruguay.

"Obra Sobre Papel, en el arte contemporáneo paraguayo", Washington, USA. "El Sacrificio", Arte Colonial, Independiente y Actual, Centro de Artes Visuales/Museo del Barro. Asunción. Paraguay. “Caminos de la línea”, Embajada del Brasil. Asunción. Paraguay.

2001 “El Ultimo Decenio”, Collective Exhibition, Centro de Artes Visuales/ Museo del Barro. Asunción. Paraguay.
2002 “La resistencia de la pintura”, Exposición Colectiva, Galería Fabrica.

“Los Argumentos”, Sala de exposiciones del Centro Cultural de España, Juan de Salazar. Asunción. Paraguay.

2004 Exposición de Pinturas Fundación Aerolíneas Argentinas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2005 Collective Exhibition, Arte Actual Galería de Arte. Asunción. Paraguay.

Awards and honors

Year Main Activities
1998 Prize “Pedro Agüero”. Edición 1998, Asunción, Paraguay.
2003 First Place in the Contest “Expressión Fuschia”


In his more than thirty years of artistic production he has become a joiner of painting, engraving and other facilities, using different mediums ranging from the simple canvas up tolarge racks of plaster, marked by brilliant combinations of painting and engraving. His assemblages are creations of three-dimensional pieces with knots and tensions that are interwoven in the area. His style is marked by an exquisite combination of colors and textures.

His architectural studies have served as a liaison for the expressive use of space, making works in a perfect harmony between the rigidity of the geometry and the lightness of metaphorical poetry. His drawings contain an exquisite balance between the schematic and the ethereal. On occasion, he has been inspired by works of the Renaissance period, introducing a series of works dedicated to the great masters like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.


Felix's father, Don Luis Toranzos, having been a widower with two daughters, Candida Maria and the other, Angelina Rosalie, married in second marriage with Angelina Miers. His children are Haydée Rafaela, Dario Luis Augusto Bardel and Felix, the oldest son. His family lives in Asunción now.


External links

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