The International Art Medal Federation, or Fédération Internationale de la Médaille d'Art (FIDEM) is a professional international society dedicated to the practice, appreciation, and promotion of the fine art of the art medal (medallion) around the world. It is the foremost society for an artist creating medals to belong to.


FIDEM was established in 1937 in Paris. Its aims are to promote and diffuse the art of medals at international level, to make the art known and to guarantee recognition of its place among other arts by increasing awareness of the art, history and technology of art medals, mainly through publications and the organisation of international events. FIDEM also organises a congress every two years and an international exhibition of the art of medals in order to promote exchanges among artists and to make their work known internationally.

FIDEM operates in over 40 countries worldwide. It is represented by a delegate and a vice-delegate in every country, who maintain regular contact with the artists, FIDEM members and other people interested in the art of medals from their own country.

Grand Prix

The Grand Prix was instituted during the FIDEM congress in London in 1992. A jury chosen by the Executive and Consultative Committee is to look at all the medals exhibited during a congress exhibition. The jury has to follow a certain number of criterias and chose the medal and artist they believe answers best to the criterias. The Grand Prix is then awarded and the winner revealed during the final diner of the congress.

Grand Prix Winners

1992 - Maria Lugossy (Hungary)

1994 - Magdalena Dobrucka (Poland)

1996 - Guus Hellegers (The Netherlands)

1998 - Joanna Troikowicz (Sweden)

2000 - Tibor Budahelyi (Hungary)

2002 - Bernd Göbel (Germany)

2004 - Elisabeth Varga (The Netherlands)

2007 - Helder Batista (Portugal)

2010 - Elly Baltus (The Netherlands)

2012 - Tetsuji Seta (Japan)

2014 - Irina Suvorova (Russia)


Some of its international artists include: Errol Davis, Paula Dawson, Eva Froncek, Viktor Kalinowski, Michael Meszaros, Paul Huybrechts, Bogomil Nikolov, Christian Cardell Corbet, Christian Wirsén, Kerstin Östberg, Vítor Santos, Louise Dentice, Geer Steyn, Ron Dutton, Kate Harrison, Jane McAdam Freud, and Jordi Ramisa.

Philip Attwood is an Executive committee member.[1]


FIDEM has biennial congresses where it holds a major international exhibition as well as lectures. Publications are often produced in association with these.


  1. ↑ Philip Attwood page at British Museum website [11/10/2010]
  2. ↑ Marie-Astrid Pelsdonk-Voisin, FIDEM General Secretary and Webmaster

External links

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