Fabia Numantina

Fabia Numantina is generally believed to be the daughter of Paullus Fabius Maximus and Marcia, a maternal first cousin of Augustus (daughter of his aunt Atia and his step-brother Philippus).[1] However, it is possible that she was the daughter of Paullus' brother, Africanus Fabius Maximus.[2]


Fabia Numantina was married twice:

Firstly to Sextus Appuleius (III), a half-great-nephew of Augustus, by whom she had a son, Sextus Appuleius (IV), who died young and who Fabia set up a tombstone to as 'last of the Appuleii'.[3]

Secondly to Marcus Plautius Silvanus, the praetor in 24, son of Marcus Plautius Silvanus, consul in 2 BC, and his wife, Lartia. However, they seem to have been divorced prior to 24, as Silvanus was by then married to a woman named Apronia, who he apparently murdered by throwing her out of a window.[4][5]

Shortly after the murder of Apronia, Fabia was "charged with having caused her husband's insanity by magical incantations and potions", but was acquitted.[4]

Other Children

It is uncertain if Fabia had any children apart from Sextus Appuleius (IV). One possibility is a young man named Fabius Numantinus, who was admitted to a sacerdotal college in the Neronian era.[5]


  1. Syme, Ronald, Augustan Aristocracy (1989), p. 59
  2. Syme, R., Augustan Aristocracy (1989), pp. 417/8
  3. ILS 935; Luna
  4. 1 2 Tacitus, Annals, IV.22.3
  5. 1 2 Syme, R., Augustan Aristocracy (1989), p. 418


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