Fables for Robots

First edition
(publ. Wydawnictwo Literackie)
Cover design Szymon Kobyliński

Fables for Robots (Polish: Bajki Robotów) is a series of science fiction short stories by Polish writer Stanislaw Lem, first printed in 1964.

The fables are written in the grotesque form of folk fairy tales, set in the universe populated by robots. In this universe there are robot kings, robot peasants, robot knights, robot scientists, a robot damsel in distress is pestered by a robot dragon, robot dogs have robot fleas, etc.[1]

The Fables constituted the bulk of the collection Mortal Engines (ISBN 0156621614) translated by Michael Kandel, and also translated in The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem.

In 1965 three of the fables: Jak ocalał świat ("How the World Survived"), Maszyna Trurla ("Trurl's Machines"), and Wielkie lanie ("The Great Spanking") were included into the cycle The Cyberiad. On the other hand, one of the stories from The Cyberiad, O królewiczu Ferrycym i królewnie Krystali ("About Prince Ferricius and Princess Crystal"), stylistically belongs to the Fables cycle.

The remaining fables are:


  1. An introduction to the 1992 edition of the Mortal Engines
  2. Bibliographical data for the "Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon"
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