Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | |
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Type | Public |
Established | 1977 |
Dean | João Costa [1] |
Administrative staff | 99 [2] |
Students | 5154 [2] |
Undergraduates | 2693 [2] |
Postgraduates | 1583 [2] |
878 [2] | |
Location | Lisbon, Portugal |
Campus | Av. de Berna, center Lisbon |
Colours | Green and Blue |
Nickname | FCSH/NOVA |
Website | http://www.fcsh.unl.pt |
The Portuguese Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - FCSH) is an organic unit of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA) and a legal person under public law, endowed with scientific, pedagogical, administrative and financial autonomy, whose public service mission is to qualify citizens at the highest level. According to its statutes, “the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon is an institution dedicated to education, scientific research and cultural creation".[3] The Faculty's own identity stems from the coexistence of social sciences with humanities, allowing an unusual interdisciplinarity in the Portuguese higher education panorama.
Since May 2011, the FCSH/NOVA is present on several digital platforms, namely Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn and an official blog.
General description

FCSH/NOVA was established in January 1977 by Decree-Law No. 464/77, following the development of the area of Human and Social Sciences that existed at NOVA at the time, led by a group of faculty members and researchers, namely J. S. da Silva Dias, Leonor Buescu, João Morais Barbosa, Artur Nobre de Gusmão, Fernando Gil, Augusto Mesquitela Lima, A.H. de Oliveira Marques, José Augusto França, Vitorino Magalhães Godinho, José Mattoso, Raquel Soeiro de Brito, Teolinda Gersão, Leonor Machado de Sousa, Yvete Kace Centeno and Teresa Rita Lopes. The Faculty began its activity on 2 January 1978.
The FCSH is located at Av. Berna, in the centre of Lisbon, next to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and enjoys excellent access to public transport. Based on a barracks that belonged to the military, the Faculty’s facilities are divided into B1 and B2 buildings (classrooms and departments), Tower A (classrooms and head office of the Languages Institute of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - ILNOVA]), Tower B (departments, and the Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library), boards of management, administrative services, cafeteria, Students Association and, since 2009, the ID building (Research and PhD degrees). This building, known as the former DRM (Military District Recruitment), has recently undergone a major change in order to be adapted to the new objectives it has been assigned. The core of the administrative support for PhD degrees, the research units associated with FCSH/NOVA and classrooms for the PhD programmes located in the ID building.
In addition to teaching areas (classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums), the FCSH/NOVA also has various spaces for socialization, a printing centre and a large courtyard. To solve logistical issues created by recent growth, new facilities are scheduled for the FCSH/NOVA in the plans of the Campolide Campus, where other Faculties of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA) are already installed, such as the Faculdade de Economia (FE), the Faculdade de Direito (FD) and the Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI). The Rectory of NOVA and the University residence Alfredo de Sousa are also located in the Campolide Campus.
Faculty Structure
The Faculty Structure, according to the RJIES,[4] has the following bodies:
- Faculty Council
- Dean
- Scientific Council
- Pedagogic Council
- Student Council
Composition and election of the Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is a representative University body composed of 13 members: eight faculty members or researchers (Adelaide Miranda, Manuel Carlos Brito, Hélder Godinho, José Esteves Pereira, Adriano Duarte Rodrigues, António Marques, Filomena Molder and Maria José Roxo), one student (Maria Begonha), and four external personalities (Francisco Pinto Balsemão, António Monteiro, António Vieira Monteiro and Luís Calado). Faculty members or researchers are elected for four years (with one possible renewal), whereas external individuals, chosen by the elected counsellors in their first meeting, are nominated by the Rector.[5]
The Faculty Council has the power to:[6]
- Elect its President, a position that is currently held by Francisco Pinto Balsemão.
- Elect a Dean (by absolute majority, among the Full Professors and research coordinators that integrate the Faculty)
- Evaluate the Dean’s actions and adopt amendments to statutes.
- Upon a proposal by the Dean, adopt medium and long term strategic options, as well as create, change or remove departments, research units or services
- Make decisions regarding the purchase or sale of assets
- Approve annual plans of activities, budgets and accounts.
The Dean
The Dean, a position currently held by João Costa, is elected for four years and may be renewed only once through an electoral process that begins three months before the mandate expires.[7] The Dean may designate up to four Vice-Deans, positions currently held by Francisco Caramelo, João Soeiro de Carvalho and Susana Trovão, and associate deans Cristina Ponte e João Figueira de Sousa.
The Dean is responsible for guiding and coordinating the Faculty services, providing them unity, continuity and effectiveness. Thus, he must represent the Faculty within and outside the institution, ensure compliance with the statutes and regulations, chair the Scientific and Pedagogic Councils (which must implement resolutions), appoint executive coordinators of departments, approve academic calendars, propose the creation or elimination of programmes, coordinate Faculty support services, conduct administrative and financial management, take initiatives for the development of the Faculty, ensure compliance with the resolutions taken by the collegiate bodies, and ensure the quality of teaching and research of the Faculty.
Presidents of the FCSH Installation Committee
- December 1977 - November 1980: A. H. de Oliveira Marques
- November 1980 - May 1981: J. S. da Silva Dias
- May 1981 - May 1982: João Morais Barbosa
FCSH’s Deans
- May 1982 - December 1986: J. Manuel Nazareth
- December 1986 - February 1988: José Mattoso
- March 1988 - May 1993: Adriano Duarte Rodrigues
- May 1993 - May 1996: J. Manuel Nazareth
- May 1996 - June 2005: Jorge Crespo
- June 2005 - July 2013: João Sàágua
- From July 2013 to today: João Costa
The FCSH/NOVA delegates the operation of its educational offer to its 12 Departments, as well as the support for scientific and technological development and dissemination of culture in the fields taught. The development of this mission is secured by the faculty members associated each Department - tenured and visiting - supported by a secretariat. The coordination of each department is taken up by a Coordinator appointed by the Dean from the tenured faculty members.[8]
Today, FCSH’s Departments are:
- Anthropology
- Communication Sciences
- Musical Sciences
- Political Studies
- Portuguese Studies
- Philosophy
- Geography and Regional Planning
- History
- Art History
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Linguistics
- Sociology
Research Centres / FCT Classification[9] | |
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Research Centres

FCSH houses a total of 17 Research Centres, whose primary mission is the development of scientific research in different cultural areas of the social sciences and humanities, the education of researchers and the rendering of services to the community. Research is considered one of the most important assets of the Faculty: research units are a benchmark for quality, in and outside Portugal, hosting more than 500 researchers integrated at the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES).
The Faculty is the only higher education institution in the Social Sciences and Humanities field with its own facilities dedicated to research centres and to PhD’s (ID building), strengthening the desired association between research and PhD programmes.
Out of the 17 research centers, 13 were evaluated by international panels of FCT/MCTES - four with an "Excellent" grade and eight with a "Very Good" grade - launching the FCSH to a position of great importance in the national University panorama. Taken together, these centres captured 1.4 million [10] in funding in 2009.
Study Cycles
Today, the FCSH is the second largest unit of NOVA, both in student numbers, and in financial budget. It has more than 300 faculty members, almost all of them holding a PhD degree or with recognized prestige in their scientific area. It also has about 100 staff members. During the academic year 2014/15, the Faculty admitted a total of 5154 students, 2693 undergraduate, 1583 masters and 878 students for doctoral programs.[2]
The FCSH teaching programme for the academic year 2015/2016 includes 14 undergraduate degrees, 48 masters programs and 26 PhD’s, the latter two being exclusively developed during a night schedule.
The study cycle cover the traditionalSocial Sciences and Humanities fields, but also several thematic and interdisciplinary courses. In addition to a Summer School, the FCSH/NOVA also offers specialization degrees, free courses and, since 1997, a programme on Portuguese Language and Culture. This program is structured according to the six proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It can be intensive (30 hours - 5 times per week), a semester (64 hours two times per week) or taught individually.
Annually, more than 300 students participate in the Mobility Programmes, of which the Erasmus Programme is the best known example. This is one of the examples of the FCSH/NOVA’s internationalization strategy. A premiere for 2010/11 was the Leonardo da Vinci Programme, aimed at integrating students from undergraduate and master's degrees in professional activity through internships carried out in countries of the European Union.
The Pedro Hispano Programme
The Pedro Hispano Programme – Doctoral Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities was created in May 2012 to foster excellence, interdisciplinarity and internationalization of all the FCSH/NOVA's doctoral programmes, through a set of joint initiatives:
- A Doctoral Summer School, organised on an annual basis. Each summer school is structured around relevant issues in the social sciences and humanities. The first edition took place in July 1–12, 2013;
- A Doctoral Winter School in Research Skills, focused on the development of methodological and transferable skills. The first edition took place in February 4–15, 2013;
- A Graduate Conference in Social Sciences and Humanities, where PhD candidates present and discuss their research with colleagues and scholars. The first edition took place in November 26–27, 2012;
- The Pedro Hispano Lectures, delivered by distinguished scholars;
- A Mobility Initiative, aimed at promoting students’ and scholars’ exchange and the award of the European University Association's Doctor Europaeus distinction;
- Design and delivery of interdisciplinary PhD programmes in English.
Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library (BMSC)
Housed in the main building of the FCSH, it has had the title since 2008, following a private donation of about 70,000 volumes by the family of Professor Mário Sottomayor Cardia, who disappeared in 2006.
Its mission is to provide services and bibliographical, documentary and information resources needed for teaching, research and education in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The library holds a collection of more than 92,000 monographs, 3,000 periodical titles and over 3000 non-book material units, the BMSC asserts itself as a reference in its fields, by providing teachers, researchers, students and FCSH/NOVA employees as well as any interested reader with monographs, periodicals, academic papers, local access to major national and international digital repositories, and online availability of content resulting from research projects developed by the Research Units based at the FCSH/NOVA.
The BMSC is also a deposit for private donations given by inheritors of former teachers of FCSH: The Leonor Buescu Library (BLB) - 3000 volumes of broad scope, with greater relevance to the area of Linguistics and English Literature; the Luis Krus Library (BLK) - 2200 volumes on Portuguese and European Medieval History, Anthropology and Sociology; the António G. Mattoso Library (BM) - 8500 books of broader scope, with particular importance to the field of History, and the Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library (BMSC) – 70000 volumes, still not fully treated, that deal with issues of a general nature, with a particular emphasis on Philosophy and Political Science.
The BMSC also includes the bibliographic collection of the American Ladies Club (ALC) - 1000 volumes dedicated to Literature, as well as some personal libraries, as in the case of the Dragomir Knapic Library (BK) - 250 works on Geography; the Rodrigues Michaels Library (BRM) - 1400 works dedicated to the History of Literature and the António Rita Ferreira Library (BRF) - 850 books related to Anthropology, African Colonization, Ethno history of Africa and the John Catarino Library (BJC), containing 700 works on Archaeology.
The BMSC has integrated the properties of the departmental libraries of Anthropology, Art History and Musicology thus increasing its collection by an additional 10,000 books and acquiring the bibliographic collection of musicologist Macario Santiago Kastner.
The BMSC provides information distribution services; reference and research; reading at the library; home loan and interlibrary loan.
Undergraduate Programmes
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Communication Sciences
- Geography and Regional Planning
- History
- History of Art
- Language Sciences
- Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
- Musicology
- Philosophy
- Political Science and International Relations
- Portuguese Studies
- Sociology (daytime and after-work schedule)
- Translation
Master’s Programmes
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Communication Sciences
- Communication, Media and Justice (Inter-Faculty Master’s programme)
- Consulting and Linguistic Revision
- Cultural Practices for Municipalities
- E-Learning Systems Management (provided in e-learning)
- Editing and Publishing
- Educational Sciences
- History
- History and Geography Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Elementary *Education and in Secondary Education
- History of Art
- Human Ecology and Contemporary Social Problems
- Information and Documentation Sciences
- Journalism
- Language Sciences
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Metropolization, Strategic Planning and Sustainability (Inter-University Master’s programme - not offered in 2013/2014])
- Migration, Inter-ethnicity and Transnationalism
- Museology
- Musical Arts
- Musicology
- New Media and Web Practices
- Performing Arts
- Philosophy
- Philosophy Teaching in Secondary Education
- Political Science and International Relations
- Portuguese Studies
- Science Communication (Inter-Faculty Master’s programme)
- Sociology
- Spatial Planning and Geographic Information Systems (provided in e-learning)
- Teaching English and a Foreign Language in the 3rd Cycle of Elementary Education and in Secondary Education
- Teaching Musical Education in Elementary Education
- Teaching Portuguese and Classical Languages in the 3rd Cycle of Elementary Education and in Secondary Education or Portuguese and a Foreign Language in Elementary and in Secondary Education
- Teaching Portuguese as a Second and Foreign Language
- Terminology and the Management of Specialized Information
- Territorial Management
- Translation
- Urban Studies (Inter-University Master’s program me - applications in ISCTE/IUL - not offered in 2013/2014)
- Women's Studies. Women in Society and in Culture
PhD Programmes
- Political Science: Elites and Political Behaviour | Institutions and Political Processes | Theory and Political Analysis | Public Policies
- Communication Sciences: Cinema and Television | Communication and Arts | Communication and Social Sciences | Communication and Language | Strategic Communication |Contemporary Culture and New Technologies | Argumentation Studies | Media and Journalism Studies | Communication Theory
- Philosophy: Philosophical Anthropology | Aesthetics | Philosophy of Culture | Epistemology and Philosophy of Culture | Moral and Political Philosophy | History of Philosophy | Logic and Philosophy of Language | Ontology and the Philosophy of Nature
- Linguistics | Funded by FCT: Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology (Funded by FCT) | Linguistic Studies of Text and Discourse (Funded by FCT) | Linguistics and Language Teaching | General Linguistics | Historical Linguistics | Portuguese Linguistics | Pragmatics | Psycholinguistics (Funded by FCT) | Sociolinguistics
- Digital Media - Inter-University PhD’s programme
- International Relations
- Security Studies and Strategy: | Political Area Studies | Globalization and Environment | History and Theory of International Relations
- Climate Changes and Sustainable Development Policy - Inter-University PhD’s programme
- Anthropology: Biological Anthropology and Ethnoecology | Applied Anthropology, Development and Cooperation | Anthropology of Space and Cities | Anthropology of Migration, Ethnicity and Transnationalism | Policies and Images of Culture and Museology | Power, Resistance and Social Movements | Production, Consumption and Labour | Religion, Ritual and Performance
- Policies and Images of Culture and Museology (In collaboration with ISCTE – IUL / Funded by FCT)
- Geography and Territorial Planning: Environment and Natural Resources | Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems | Human Geography | Land Planning and Management | Land Use Planning and Development
- Globalization Studies | Funded by FCT
- Human Ecology
- Urban Studies - Inter-University PhD's programme
- Sociology - Inter-University PhD's programme
- History: Prehistory | Ancient History | Medieval History | Modern History | Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion History | Contemporary History | Archaeology | Historical Archival Studies
- History of Art: History of the Art of Antiquity | Medieval Art History | Art History of the Modern Age | Contemporary Art History | Museology and Artistic Heritage | Art Theory
- History and Theory of Ideas: History and Theory of Paradigms | Thought, Culture and Politics
- Portuguese Studies: Teaching Portuguese | Classical Studies | Comparative Studies | Cultural Studies | Studies in Literature | Book History and Textual Criticism | Traditional and Oral Literature | Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese Language
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures - Inter-University PhD’s programme: Teaching of Foreign Languages | Cultural Studies | Literary Studies | Comparative Literary Studies | Translation Studies
- Translation and Terminology - Inter-University PhD’s programme
- Translation Studies - Inter-University PhD’s programme
- Educational Sciences - Inter-University PhD’s programme: Management and Leadership in Education | Adult Education and Training | Education, Society and Development | Teacher Training and Supervision | Literacies and Education | Special Educational Needs | Psychology and Education | Technologies, Networks and Multimedia in Education and Training | Curricular Development and Theory
- Languages Teaching - Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship (provided in e-learning): German teaching: (FL/L2) French teaching (FL/L2) Spanish teaching (FL/L2) English teaching (FL/L2) Portuguese as a Foreign Language (FL/L2) Portuguese teaching (L1)
- Musical Arts: Music Dramaturgy and Staging | Music Performance
- Musicology | Funded by FCT
- Historical Musicology | Education and Psychology of Music | Ethnomusicology
- History of Art: History of the Art of Antiquity | Medieval Art History | Art History of the Modern Age | Contemporary Art History | Museology and Artistic Heritage | Art Theory
- Artistic Studies – Art and Mediation | Funded by FCT
- ↑
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 FCSH - Facts and numbers
- ↑ Diário da República Portuguesa, series II, No. 128, 4/6/1990
- ↑ Article 8, II Chapter of the Despacho Reitoral No. 3849/2009
- ↑ Article 9 and 10 of the FCSH Statutes
- ↑ Article 10 of the FCSH Statutes
- ↑ Article 13 of FCSH Statutes
- ↑ Articles 24 and 25 of the Statutes of FCSH
- ↑ http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/unidades/avaliacoes/2007/resultados
- ↑ Speech by Professor João Sàágua, Dean of FCSH at the 32nd anniversary of the Faculty, April 28, 2010
External links
Coordinates: 38°51′03″N 9°10′05″W / 38.85083°N 9.16806°W