Featuring...Eazy-E is a compilation of songs on which the late rapper Eazy-E was featured, including popular songs from his group N.W.A., solo songs from Eazy-E himself, as well as from other rappers outside the group, being similar in genre to a 1997 Priority release, Featuring...Ice Cube, which was a compilation of popular songs featuring co-N.W.A. rapper Ice Cube as a guest performer.
It was released for digital download with similar cover art and a similar track list by Priority Records on December 4, 2007 with the title Starring...Eazy-E.[3] Track numbers 7, 9, 11 and 12 are not on the digital release.
Track listing
- "Luv 4 Dem Gangsta'z" (4:34)
- "2 Hard Muthas" (MC Ren featuring Eazy-E) (4:25)
- "Trust No Bitch" (Penthouse Players Clique featuring Eazy-E, DJ Quik, and AMG)(5:02)
- "L.A. Is the Place" (Ron-De-Vu featuring Eazy-E) (4:34)
- "Findum, Fuckum & Flee" (N.W.A.) (3:56)
- "Get Yo Ride On" (Mack 10 featuring Eazy-E and MC Eiht) (3:30)
- "Black Nigga Killa" (Eazy-E) (4:48)
- "We Want Eazy (12" Remix)" (6:39)
- "Foe tha Love of $ (Bone Thugs-n-Harmony featuring Eazy-E) (4:11)
- "I'd Rather Fuck You" (N.W.A.) (3:58)
- "24 Hours to Live" (4:43)
- "Boyz-n-the-Hood (G-Mix)" (5:39)
- "Fat Girl" (N.W.A.) (2:49)
- "Automobile" (N.W.A.) (3:16)
- "P.S. Phuk U 2" (Penthouse Players Clique featuring Eazy-E and DJ Quik) (3:24)
- "Ruthless Villain" (MC Ren featuring Eazy-E) (2:57)
| Studio albums | |
| Extended Plays | |
| Albums with N.W.A | |
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| Related articles | |
- Book:Eazy-E