Federation of Western India Cine Employees

Full name Federation of Western India Cine Employees
Founded 1958
Members 50,000 (2002)
Affiliation UNI APRO
Office location Mumbai, India
Country India

Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) is a film industry worker's union in Mumbai, India. As of 2002 it had 50,000 members. This is federation is mother body of all Indian Cinema association.


FWICE is a member of UNI APRO, itself part of Union Network International (UNI). AFVE and AVA are FWICE affiliates.

Affiliated Associations

21 Associations affiliated by FWICE, which is as below

  1. Association of Cine TV/AD Production Executive
  2. Association of Cine & TV Art Directors
  3. Association of Film & TV Editors
  4. Association of Voice Artist
  5. Cine & TV Artist Association
  6. Cine Costume & Make-up Artist and Hair Dresser Association
  7. Cine Dance Association
  8. Cine Musicians Association
  9. Cine Singers Association
  10. Cine Still Photographers Association
  11. Film Studios Setting & Allied Mazdoor Union
  12. Indian Film Dance Directors Association
  13. Indian Film & Television Directors' Association (IFTDA)
  14. Junior Artist Association
  15. Mahila Kalakar Sangh
  16. Movie Action Dummy Effect Association
  17. Movie Stunt Artists Association
  18. Music Composer Association
  19. Film Writers' Association
  20. Western India Cinematographer Association
  21. Western India Motion Pictures & TV Sound Engineers Association

See also

External links

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