
The Federation of Neighborhood Councils-El Alto (acronym: Fejuve; Spanish: Federación de Juntas Vecinales de El Alto) is a participatory civic organization comprising over 600 neighborhood councils that promote equality and social justice in the town of El Alto, Bolivia. Fejuve is non-partisan.

Upon first taking office, Evo Morales, president of Bolivia appointed Abel Mamani, secretary general of FEJUVE to be water minister in the national government, and announced that privatization of water services in Bolivia will be disallowed. More than 2/3 of the population of El Alto live below the poverty line, and 45 percent have no access to potable water.[1][2]


  1. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, "Federation of Neighborhood Organizations in the City of El Alto/La Paz, Bolivia (FEJUVE)," http://www.uusc.org/program_partners/FEJUVE
  2. World War 4 Report, 2006 December 26 "Bolivia: New "Water War," Violent Land Conflicts," http://www.ww4report.com/boliviawater
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