Felix Klein Protocols

"The Felix Klein Protocols" is a collection of handwritten records of the Göttingen seminar lectures of Felix Klein and his school. They span over 8000 pages in 29 volumes, and are regarded as one of the richest records of mathematical activity in modern times.[1] The previously unpublished Klein Protocols were made available digitally in 2006.[2]

A searchable index of the protocols can be found at Felix Klein Protokolle.

Years covered

From 1872 to 1896 Klein conducted his seminars alone, mainly in pure mathematics. The years 1897–1913 show collaborations with mathematicians such as David Hilbert, Karl Schwarzschild, Ludwig Prandtl, Carl Runge and Hermann Minkowski.

Klein Protokolle
Volume Years Some topics covered
1 1872–1880 Seminars on various topics in geometry and algebra.
(Geometric problems of the 3rd and 4th degree; The physical theory of the northern lights; Rational transformations; Elements of arithmetics; Analytic geometry of space; The imaginary in geometry; On scrolls of degree 4; The elements of function theory; Investigations on algebraic functions; Newtonian and logarithmic potential; The distribution of heat in a sphere; The tautochrone problem.)
2 1880–1881
3 1881–1882
4 1882–1883 Hyperelliptic abelian and theta functions.
5 1883–1884
6 1884–1885
7 1885–1886 Hyperelliptic functions and the Kummer surface.
8 1886–1887
9 1887–1889
10 1889–1892
11 1892–1894 Number theory. (distribution of primes; Diophantus and his works, quadratic and biquadratic reciprocity, reduction theory of quadratic forms, class numbers.)
12 1894–1896
13 1896–1898
14 1898–1899
15 1899–1900
16 1900–1901
17 1901
18 1901–1902
19 1902–1903
20 1903–1904 Hydrodynamics.
21 1904–1905
22 1905
23 1905–1906 Automorphic functions.
24 1906
25 1906–1907
26 1907
27 1907–1909 Hydrodynamics seminar with special attention to the hydrodynamics of ships.
Ship waves; Ship propellers; Ship resistance in unbounded water.
28 1911 Insurance mathematics.
29 1909–1912 Mathematics and psychology.


  1. Chislenko, Eugene; Tschinkel, Yuri (September 2007). "The Felix Klein Protocols". Notices of the American Mathematical Society 54 (8): 960–970.
  2. "Felix Klein, Klein Protokolle" (in German).
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