Femizon may refer to one of two groups owned by Marvel Comics and appearing in their Marvel Universe.
The first group to be called Femizons were the women of Femizonia, a gynarchic future world in an alternate timeline where women had become Amazon-like warriors, ruling over male slaves. It was this world that produced Thundra, a recurring enemy, and later ally, of The Thing.
The second group to be called Femizons was a group of all-female supervillains in the Marvel Comics universe. They were enemies mainly for Captain America, and their goal was to conquer Earth and create a utopia where women ruled. Led by Superia, who claimed to be inspired by stories of Thundra's Femizons, the group consisted of a large number of established female criminals and super villainesses.
Superia's Lieutenants
- Blackbird, otherwise known as Jackdaw, a Hulk villainess that had mechanical wings and an array of weaponry.
- Iron Maiden, a skilled assassin and Black Widow villainess that wears a metal suit protecting her from physical harm.
- Moonstone, villainess with abilities of flight, intangibility, emitting light, and projection of energy blasts.
- Nightshade, Captain America villainess and second-in-command of the Femizons; mad scientist, has the ability to secrete pheromones.
- Snapdragon, martial artist and long-time enemy of Diamondback.
- MODAM, a MODOK-like super-genius created by A.I.M., has various psionic abilities.
- Anaconda, member of the Serpent Society and Six Pack, a massive woman with the ability to elongate her limbs, also has super strength to constrict her enemies, can breathe underwater, and super regenerative abilities.
- Arclight, member of the Marauders, a super-strong woman who creates shockwaves upon physical force.
- Asp, former member of the Serpent Society, now a part of BAD Girls, Inc., a snake-charmer that shoots blasts that cause paralysis.
- Battleaxe, former Grappler, a muscular super-strong woman that uses an axe as her weapon of choice.
- Black Lotus, an Asian assassin and enemy of Black Widow.
- Black Mamba, former member of the Serpent Society, now a part of BAD Girls, Inc., has the ability to pluck the image of her victim's loved one and use darkforce to embody that person, eventually suffocating them.
- Bloodlust, ferocious member of the Femme Fatales; has enhanced strength, speed, agility, and senses.
- Bombshell, Hawkeye enemy, expert juggler that uses explosives.
- Chimera, a metamorph that can grow wings and claws.
- Dansen Macabre, a hypnotist that kills her victims by dancing.
- Diamondback, former member of the Serpent Society, now a member of BAD Girls, Inc., throws diamonds laced with a variety of chemicals (acid, poison), ex-girlfriend of Captain America.
- Dragonfly, villainess with flight and hypnotic abilities
- Frenzy, super-strong mutant with steel-hard skin, member of the Alliance of Evil, Acolytes, and X-Men.
- Gladiatrix, member of the Grapplers and a professional wrestler with super strength.
- Golddigger, Captain America villain that has no super powers; relies on her feminine charm.
- Gypsy Moth, has the ability to fly and manipulate various organic objects.
- Ice Princess, villainess with the ability to control ice.
- Impala, African javelin thrower, former member of BAD Girls, Inc.
- Ion, Fantastic Four character, projects electromagnetic energy.
- Karisma, Fantastic Four villainess that uses radiation wavelengths to become irresistible to men.
- Knockout, Femme Fatale and Spider-Man villainess, a super-strong woman.
- Mindblast, Femme Fatale with telekinetic abilities.
- Mysteria, a villainess that uses mist as her weapon.
- Pink Pearl, Alpha Flight villainess, an obese woman with above-average strength.
- Poundcakes, member of the Grapplers that creates tremors with her boots.
- Princess Python, former member of the Serpent Society and Circus of Crime, a villainess that uses a pet boa constrictor as her weapon.
- Quicksand, a woman with super strength and the ability to turn her body into sand.
- Screaming Mimi, member of the Thunderbolts, had (then) a sonic scream.
- Steel Wind, Ghost Rider villainess, a cyborg with enhanced strength and durability.
- Titania, villainess with super strength and durability, wife of the Absorbing Man.
- Vapor, member of the U-Foes, can transform into any gaseous matter.
- Vertigo, member of the Savage Land Mutates and Marauders, a mutate with the ability to cause nausea or disorientation.
- Water Witch, servant of the Mole Man, a woman that can control water.
- Whiplash, Femme Fatale, villainess with whips extending from her gloves.
- Whiteout, Savage Land Mutate with the ability to project beams of light, often blinding her enemies.
- Wrangler, Black Widow villainess that uses cowboy-themed weapons.
- Yellowjacket, an initial Avengers enemy and later member of both the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, who could shrink her body and also project bioelectric blasts.
External links
- MarvelDatabase:Femizons
- The original Femizons at Appendix to the Marvel Universe
- Superia's Femizons at Appendix to the Marvel Universe