Fermi (supercomputer)

For other uses, see Fermi (disambiguation).
Fermi (supercomputer)

Fermi BlueGene/Q
Active operational 2012
Sponsors Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy)
Operators The Members of the Consortium [1]
Location Cineca, Casalecchio di Reno, Italy
Architecture IBM BG/Q
5D Torus Interconnect configuration
10,240 Intel PowerPC A2
1.6 GHz with 16 cores each
163.840 cores
Power 822 KW
Operating system CNK[2]
Memory 16 GB/node, 1GB/core; 160 TiB
Storage 2PByte of scratch space
Speed 2.097 PFLOPS
Ranking TOP500: 37, 2015-11
Purpose Material science, Weather, Climatology, Seismology, Biology, Computational chemistry, Computer science
Legacy Ranked 7 on TOP500 when built. [3]
Web site hpc.cineca.it/hardware/fermi

Fermi is a 2.097 -petaFLOPS supercomputer located in Cineca.[4]


Supercomputer Fermi BlueGene/Q at Cineca

FERMI is the main HPC computer in CINECA. It was acquired in June 2012 and entered in full production in Aug 8th,the same year. Fermi is the Italian National Tier-0 system for scientific research and is also part of the European HPC infrastructure (PRACE). Its procurement was sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Italy).

In June 2012, Fermi reached the seventh position on the TOP500 list of fastest supercomputers in the world. [5]

In the Graph500 list of top supercomputers.[6] Fermi reached the fifth position in their benchmark, the system tested at 2,567 gigaTEPS (traversed edges per second).

In the Green500 list of top supercomputers.[7] Fermi reached the fifty-ninth position in their benchmark, the system tested at 2,176.57 MFLOPS/W (Performance per watt).


FERMI is a BlueGene/Q[8] system, the last generation of the IBM project for designing supercomputers in the Peta-scale.It is made-up of 10 racks, two MidPlanes each, for a total of 10.240 compute nodes and 163.840 cores.

The CINECA configuration is made of 10 racks as follows:

See also


  1. "Consortium of universities". Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  2. "IBM System Blue Gene Solution Blue Gene/Q Application Development". IBM. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  3. "Jun 2012". TOP500. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  4. "Nov 2015". TOP500. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  5. "FERMI". TOP500. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  6. "The Graph 500 List: November 2015". Graph 500. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  7. "The Green 500 List: November 2015". Graph 500. Retrieved 2016-03-09.
  8. "Blue Gene". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  9. "CNK operating system". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Articles about Fermi and its network

Il Sole 24 ore - in Italian

Datacenter Knowledge

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