Fiber-homotopy equivalence

In algebraic topology, a fiber-homotopy equivalence is a map over a space B that has homotopy inverse over B (that is we require a homotopy be a map over B for each time t.) It is a relative analog of a homotopy equivalence between spaces.

Given maps p:DB, q:EB, if ƒ:DE is a fiber-homotopy equivalence, then for any b in B the restriction

f: p^{-1}(b) \to q^{-1}(b)

is a homotopy equivalence. If p, q are fibrations, this is always the case for homotopy equivalences by the next proposition.

Proposition  Let p: D \to B, q: E \to B be fibrations. Then a map f: D \to E over B is a homotopy equivalence if and only if it is a fiber-homotopy equivalence.

Proof of the proposition

The following proof is based on the proof of Proposition in Ch. 6, § 5 of (May). We write \sim_B for a homotopy over B.

We first note that it is enough to show that ƒ admits a left homotopy inverse over B. Indeed, if g f \sim_{B} \operatorname{id} with g over B, then g is in particular a homotopy equivalence. Thus, g also admits a left homotopy inverse h over B and then formally we have h \sim f; that is, f g \sim_{B} \operatorname{id}.

Now, since ƒ is a homotopy equivalence, it has a homotopy inverse g. Since fg \sim \operatorname{id}, we have: pg = qfg \sim q. Since p is a fibration, the homotopy pg \sim q lifts to a homotopy from g to, say, g' that satisfies pg' = q. Thus, we can assume g is over B. Then it suffices to show gƒ, which is now over B, has a left homotopy inverse over B since that would imply that ƒ has such a left inverse.

Therefore, the proof reduces to the situation where ƒ:DD is over B via p and f \sim \operatorname{id}_D. Let h_t be a homotopy from ƒ to \operatorname{id}_D. Then, since p h_0 = p and since p is a fibration, the homotopy ph_t lifts to a homotopy k_t: \operatorname{id}_D \sim k_1; explicitly, we have p h_t = p k_t. Note also k_1 is over B.

We show k_1 is a left homotopy inverse of ƒ over B. Let J: k_1 f \sim h_1 = \operatorname{id}_D be the homotopy given as the composition of homotopies k_1 f \sim f = h_0 \sim \operatorname{id}_D. Then we can find a homotopy K from the homotopy pJ to the constant homotopy p k_1 = p h_1. Since p is a fibration, we can lift K to, say, L. We can finish by going around the edge corresponding to J:

k_1 f = J_0 = L_{0, 0} \sim_B L_{0, 1} \sim_B L_{1, 1} \sim_B L_{1, 0} = J_1 = \operatorname{id}.


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