Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1994

Eurovision Song Contest 1994
Country  Finland
National selection
Selection process National Final
Selection date(s) 5 March 1994
Selected entrant CatCat
Selected song "Bye Bye Baby"
Finals performance
Final result 22nd, 11 points
Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest
◄1993 1994 1996►

Finland took part at the Eurovision Song Contest 1994, held in Dublin, Ireland, represented by sisters Virpi and Katja Kätkä as "CatCat" with the song "Bye Bye Baby".

The Finnish entry was chosen through a national final, where 10 songs fought to represent Finland. The final was held on 5 March 1994, hosted by Jukka Laaksonen, Juha Laitila and Joonas Myllyveräjä.

National final

The Finnish national final was held at the Tampere-Talo in Tampere. The winner was chosen by regional televoting and from the votes of the studio audience.

Draw Artist Song Votes Place
1 Tarja Lunnas Kuka tykkää suukoista 25857 4th
2 Dario Ateljee 18567 9th
3 Sari Sakki Jäisit mun luo 18809 8th
4 Indiana Hän lähtee tänään 24445 6th
5 Rio Rakkauden tiellä 25633 5th
6 Janita Enkeli 26646 3rd
7 CatCat Bye Bye Baby 37834 1st
8 Susanne Sonntag En dans på livets vågor 29438 2nd
9 Tauski Peltonen Seitsemänteen taivaaseen 18009 10th
10 Marina Sigrids Lyft mig upp 19445 7th
Song Audience Northern Finland Eastern Finland Central Finland Southwestern Finland Southern Finland Total
Kuka tykkää suukoista636281449749304675541125857
Jäisit mun luo803398473035263275380018809
Hän lähtee tänään2135229426050234538518224445
Rakkauden tiellä1125180445250195537533325633
Bye Bye Baby14010885669770266343674337834
En dans på livets vågor766054536856495374691729438
Seitsemänteen taivaaseen123583348636703588367018009
Lyft mig upp294213350835753541457919445

At Eurovision

Catcat performed 2nd, following Sweden and preceding Ireland. At the close of the voting, despite have high hopes from the Finns, they had received 11 points (10 from Greece and 1 from Bosnia-Herzegovina), placing 22nd of 25 and relegating Finland from the 1995 contest.

Points Awarded by Finland


12 points Hungary
10 points Cyprus
8 points Poland
7 points Ireland
6 points Malta
5 points Portugal
4 points Greece
3 points Germany
2 points Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 point Iceland

Points Awarded to Finland

Points Awarded to Finland (Final)
12 points 10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, December 13, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.