First Lim Yew Hock Cabinet

First Lim Yew Hock Cabinet

2nd Cabinet of Singapore
Date formed 7 June 1956
Date dissolved 3 June 1959
People and organisations
Head of government Lim Yew Hock
Head of state Robert Black
William Goode
Number of ministers 8
Total number of ministers 8
Member party Labour Front
United Malay National Organisation
Malayan Chinese Association
Status in legislature Minority
Opposition party Malay Union
People's Action Party
Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew
Predecessor First David Marshall Cabinet
Successor I Lee Kuan Yew

After the resignation of David Saul Marshall, Lim Yew Hock was appointed by the Governor of Singapore to form the next government. After spent 1 day, he announced his cabinet. His cabinet was similar to that of his predecessor, with some minor changes to the allocation of portfolio. He appointed Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat as Deputy Chief Minister.

Initial Composition


Portfolio Minister Political Party
Chief Minister
Minister for Labour and Welfare
Lim Yew Hock Labour Front
Deputy Chief Minister
Minister for Local Government, Lands and Housing
Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat United Malay National Organisation
Minister for Commerce and Industry J.M. Jumabhoy Labour Front
Chief Secretary W.A. C. Goode Independent
Attorney-General E.J. Davies Independent
Minister for Health A.J. Braga Labour Front
Minister for Communications and Works Francis Thomas Labour Front
Minister for Education Chew Swee Kee Labour Front
Financial Secretary T.M. Hart Independent

The names in bold are the surnames of Chinese persons, and the personal names of Indian and Malay persons


  1. "Lim Yew Hock Cabinet". The Straits Times (Singapore). 9 June 1956. Retrieved 21 August 2013.
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