Fishing popper

A popper is a fishing lure commercialized in a variety of sizes and colours. The body is hollow, which keeps it on the waters surface. As the user jerks the rod the lure pops along the surface using its concave head which in turn throws up bubbles and splashes which makes this lure very effective for bass, as well as large pelagic fish in the open ocean, such as giant trevally and mahi-mahi. The prototypical fish to go after poppers is tuna. The idea behind this lure is that it looks like a distressed fish to a predator fish.
Popper lures are used in surface popping technique. In contrast to an older technique of trolling, surface popping allows the fisherman to be in more interaction with his catch. You can see the fish biting the lure and feel the pull. What follows is a battle to pull the fish to the boat. Popper lures provide for more interactive and exciting fishing style.