Florida White rabbit
The Florida White is a relatively small breed rabbit originally produced for the laboratory or as a smaller meat rabbit.[1] It is all white in colour with no other markings, with albino red eyes. It is a recognised ARBA breed.[2]

History of the breed
The Florida White rabbit was accepted as a breed by the ARBA in 1967. The breed originator was ARBA Judge Orville Miliken. He crossed an albino Dutch, an albino Polish and a small but "typical" New Zealand White and through progressive selection and line breeding obtained a stain of compact animals.
The Florida White was developed to provide a smaller rabbit for laboratory use and provide a small meat rabbit with good production and a favorable dress-out ratio for the personal consumption home breeder of today.
They have a compact body with firm flesh, small bones, small heads and small feet, excellent feed to meat conversion and a nearly 65% meat to bone ratio. This means there is very little waste at processing.
The Florida White is also an excellent show animal. The Florida White Standard of Perfection, which is available from the ARBA, describes the point system used to judge the Florida White. The number one consideration in showing the Florida White is the body or type which carries 65 points, though the condition of the rabbit which would include firm flesh and fur carries 35 points.
The fur is white with good density and texture, and they have a compact, meaty body, short neck, and small head. The ideal senior weight for the breed is 5 pounds, with an acceptable range from 4-6 pounds while the junior weighs 2.25-4.5 pounds.
Florida Whites are generally docile, good-natured, gentle and relaxed rabbits. This breed is generally hardy and healthy. It has an average lifespan of 5 to 8 years.