Foote & Davies Company
1949 logo

1957 logo
Foote & Davies Company was the most important book printer in early Atlanta.
Founded in 1887, their first office and plant was 65 Alabama St just west of the depot (at Underground Atlanta, it would be just west of the Johnny Rockets). But by 1910 they had moved to a large plant located south west of Grant Park, in the triangle northeast of where Capitol Ave hit the Belt Line on Milton. They published many biographical sketches of locals and specialty items like school yearbooks. By the late 1960s, operations had moved to Doraville, Georgia.
Works published include:
- 1891 The Fogy Days and Now, or The World Has Changed, Dave U. Sloan (Atlanta's first telegraph operator)
- 1894 Life in Dixie During the War, Mary A.H. Gay
- 1894 A Historical Sketch of the University of Georgia, A.L. Hull
- 1896 The Code of the State of Georgia Adopted December 15, 1895
- 1896 John Ashton: A Story of the War Between the States, Capers Dickson
- 1897 A History of Marlboro County, J.A.W. Thomas
- 1901 Campaigns of the Confederate Army, Augustus Longstreet Hull
- 1901 High Living and High Lives, Warren A. Candler
- 1904 Richard Peters, Nellie Peters Black
- 1909 Georgia in the War 1861 - 1865, Charles Edgeworth Jones
- 1911 The Code of the State of Georgia: Adopted August 15, 1910, John L. Hopkins
- 1912 Ada Beeson Farmer a Missionary Heroine of Kuang Si South China, Wilmoth A. Farmer
- 1913 Notable Men of Atlanta and Georgia, 156 pages
- 1914 The Gate City of the Sunny South: Atlanta Beautiful and Progressive, Adolph Schwarz
- 1914 Early History of Jackson County, Georgia, G.J.N. Wilson
- 1916 Facts About Georgia, Georgia Chamber of Commerce
- 1923 A Handbook of the Sign Language of the Deaf, J.W.B.Michaels
- 1924 History Of The Public Domain Of Georgia, S.G. McLendon
- 1932 History of Irwin County, James Bagley Clements
- 1935 History of Troup County, Clifford L. Smith
- 1937 History of Colquitt County, W.A. Covington
- 1949 The Old Hokum Bucket, Ernest Rogers
- 1951 The Columns of Athens: Georgia's Classic City, William Columbus Davis
- 1951 Know Your Georgia, C.J. Holleran
- 1952 Wit and Wisdom of Georgia Law, John L Respess, Jr
- 1955 Afterthoughts, William Franklin Jenkins (Georgia Supreme Court justice)
- 1957 History of the Georgia Power Company 1855-1956, Wade H. Wright
- 1960 No Ifs, No Ands, A Lot of Butts: 21 Years of Georgia Football, Ed Thilenius & Jim Koger
- 1964 Cason Callaway of Blue Springs, Paul Schubert
- 1968 Georgia's Third Force: Thoughts and Comments on the People of Georgia and Their Government, William R. Bowdoin
- 1968 Atlanta. Its Lore, legends and Laughter Elise Reid Boylston
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