Franz Reznicek

Franz Reznicek
Born (1903-10-20)October 20, 1903
Baden bei Wien, Austria
Occupation Architect

Franz Reznicek (born 20 October 1903, date of death unknown)[1] was an Austrian architect. After moving to Bludenz, Vorarlberg, where he initially headed an architectural firm with Alois Dönz, he was responsible for the design of numerous modernist buildings in the area during the 1930s.[2][3]

Biography and career

Franz Reznicek was born 20 October 1903 in Baden bei Wien. At the age of 12, he moved to Innsbruck, where three years later he entered the four-year architecture program at the Bundeslehranstalt für Hochbau (National Institute of High-Rise Building). After interning with his instructor, L. Welzenbacher, Reznicek passed his graduation examination at the institute on 13 February 1923.

Following that he continued to work at the Welzenbacher firm as a full associate. In 1926 he transferred to the Innsbruck City building authority, and two years later became head of the Innsbruck Office of Architecture - North, in Bozen (now Bolzano, Italy).

After participating together with Alois Dönz in the Bregenz National Fire Insurance contest, in 1929 Reznicek relocated to Bludenz and opened an architectural firm with Alois Dönz. Finally in 1936 he succeeded in being accepted into the Zentralvereinigung der Architekten Österreichs (Central Association of Austrian Architects),[4] and in 1949 he took a further examination in civil engineering for the Engineering Bureaux of Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

Following Dönz's retirement, Reznicek led the firm for a further five years before he too retired.


Also included in his works are the Tschofen House, the Unterstein community, the Schadler House, and the Plangg and Pfluger workers' housing. His unrealized designs for a produce grading station in Rankweil (1931)[5] and a country house on the Tschengla/Bürserberg and a mountain hotel[5] (both pre-1933) and sketch for a post office in Lech (also pre-1933) are also important.[7]


  1. Copy of annual report of Austrian centenarians
  2. Renate Breuss, ed. Franz Reznicek, Bauten und Projekte der Moderne: Stadt Bludenz und allerArt, Bludenz, Villa allerArt, 22. Juni-30. Juli 1995: Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Neubau der Geisteswissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Universität Innsbruck, 30. Oktober-15. November 1995. Exhibition catalog, Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, 1995. OCLC 44709595, Illustrated Summary (German)Zahlreiche Bauten und Projekte der dreißiger Jahre stellen einen überzeugenden und durchaus eigenständigen Beitrag zur Architektur des modernen Bauens dar. - "Numerous buildings and projected buildings of the 30s represent a convincing and thoroughly outstanding contribution to the architecture of modern building construction."
  3. Herbert Sausgruber, "Baukunst, Malerei, Skulptur: 1900-1945," Vorarlberg Chronik (German): Franz Reznicek, heute noch in Bludenz lebend, konnte in den 30er Jahren . . . mit erstaunlichen architektonischen Lösungen seine Position innerhalb der österreichischen Avantgarde dieser Zeit behaupten. - "Franz Reznicek, still living in Bludenz, was in the 30s able . . . to establish his position within the Austrian avant garde of the time with astonishing architectonic solutions."
  4. on the strength of his design for the Beck house, Haus Beck, archINFORM (German)
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Franz Reznicek at archINFORM
  6. 1 2 Breuss.
  7. 1 2 3 Vorarlberg Chronik.


External links

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