Fraternities and sororities at Carnegie Mellon University
The Greek tradition at Carnegie Mellon University began 104 years ago with the founding of the first fraternity on campus, Theta Xi, in 1912. During the spring semester of 2015, the Greek community consisted of 27 active fraternities and sororities: 6 Panhellenic sororities; 23 Interfraternity Council fraternities; 2 Asian American groups "(1 fraternity and 1 sorority)"; 3 National Pan-Hellenic (historically African American) chapters represented on campus (1 fraternity and 2 sororities); 1 Music Fraternity for Women, and 1 Professional Business fraternity.
Current Interfraternity Council fraternities:
Current Professional fraternities: |
Current Panhellenic sororities: Current Pan-Hellenic Chapters (Historically African-American): Current Multicultural Greek Council fraternities and sororities: