Fred Friedrich
Fred Friedrich( Alfred Erwin Günter, Friedrich), (Kreuzberg Berlin, 25 January 1943 is a painter, sculptor and German architect whose works of art are linked to Neoexpressionism, flows of the Art Postmodern current emerged in the 80 (Neue Wilde), subsequently to the Abstract expressionism and "Informela Abstraction" (Trachismus)
He spent his childhood in Wriezen 50 km. from Berlin fleeing from World War II. Fred Friedrich and his family lived there until the end of the war. In an small space of just 14 square meters all watched out the devastated City of Berlin; so for live out they collected the rubble mined and traded with the scrap. With the desire for rebuild his city decided to study Arts in Kunstakademie in Berlin. In the "Technisume Universität" studied "Platiche Gestaltung" Skulptur being student of Erich F. Reuter. He also studied Architecture in Basel and in Berlin. Due to the impact of World War II, which broke into the youth of the time, he was an active member of German student movement 68er.
His first creations, following his ideas, focused on the field of paintings in the 70.
The Modern painter Helen Frankenthaler declared, "Every canvas is a journey all its own." Contemporary artist Fred Friedrich takes viewers on a journey by fusing fact with fiction, recombining actual imagery into surrealist compositions imbued with engaging dynamism through his saturated colour palette and extraordinary juxtaposition of fantastical forms. Fred Friedrich art is an enticing journey full of mystery and enchantment, stating, "I take what surrounds me, I hit the stone from the existing mountain, with my will and strength, leaving behind my own tracks. My plan...there is non! I plunge sometimes headless into the unknown." Fred Friedrich takes viewers on a fantastical escapade in his mixed-media Fin de Ciel (End of the Heavens) and with his sculpture make a Serie inspired by Ancient Mayan culture. One becomes an explorer mining through dazzling fields of opulent vision overflowing with imagery reminiscent of exotic lands. Each digital piece links to a video through a QR Code, this is a newest artwork, where Fred Friedrich founder of Medianismus Movement, create a total viewing experience, connecting digital photography, video, painting and sculpture. A spectral "Media Collage" of saturated hues dynamically energizes these designed compositions are made to interact with the audience, fusing imagery both real and abstract to limit the distance between conscious reality and unconscious imagination. Not only is Mr. Fred Friedrich an accomplished digital artist, but he is also a powerful sculptor, showing he is truly multidisciplinary artist. Each biomorphic bronze sculpture holds the name of a Mayan God, instilling in his art the timeless prestige, power and omnipresence of the Mayan Civilisation.
He continues, with his artistic career but the limited opportunity and restrictived opportunity to create with freedom, he decided at the best of his life to begin with his own philosophy, so he molded his new style and start Friedrich and associated with the tachisme movement that, setting off, "Abstract Expressionism" and with big movements of his body places his artworks on the ground creating parallel worlds. His works happen for several phases, with the call "under cover painting" and this way he declares "...there take unchangeable places and unstoppable dimensions of time that they are frozen on the linen"
Subsequently he found in 1994 Fred Friedrich Foundation. In 1998 with the collaboration of the prestigious Museum in Cologne Germany, the Museum Ludwig he mounted a retrospective where the Cuba culture expresses its ideas. Supported by the bronze foundry family enterprise Hermann Noack, the multidisciplinary artist satisfies the most demanding criteria of the German and world culture. He performed exhibitions, along with Helmut Schober, in the “Angel Orensanz Center” New York showing up his Darwinian and pantheism convictions, where his used the 4th. postulate to declare "... the ascending world harmony and all living beings exist. just during the natural selection in Nature nothing is arbitrary and random and all has an order that demands a project". Fred Friedrich with his darwinists ideas affirms: "The essential cause to maintain my position is based principally that I think that coincidences do not exist in life, everything is precise", with this statement his ambitious project began spanning decades, called Fin de Ciel, which is splits into diverse Cycles appointed: "Teotihuacan", "Chichen itza", "Installations Yucatan", "Cuadros Negros", "Hijos del Sol" and now the last "Medianismus", so in this way Friedrich goes on with his trajectory and with the collaboration of the Israel municipality in Berlin, celebrated the Fiftieth anniversary of Israel birth, standing out the exhibition "Position Israel", during this exhibition 18 Israeli artists, show out the oppressed and relegated cultures and the recurrent impact on our society. In this moments he mounted a gret exhibition at Museo-casa Diego Rivera.
This award-winning artist is one of the first "Digital- Artists" of the moment and has exhibits internationally, showcasing his art in solo and group exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, England, India, Germany, Mexico and United States. Subsequently, more exhibitions happen in Marbella, Spain, in the prestigious Museum Cortijo de Miraflores, Fred sustaining Fin de Ciel project with one of the Cycle name "Hijos del Sol" with the ideas of the last Maya 2012 year where drama, its chaos, reaction, and all changeable forms are involved in an inherent mystic fractal of the future.
Kunsthaus-berlin-marbella. Cultural Centre Contemporary Art promote his artwork around the world, and as well this space have the capability to mounted twice a year the prestogious exhibition The Museum Belongs to all, very well known for many.
Fred Friedrich, is linked to the group of the Die Neue Wilde (The New Wild). His is member of the German Expressionism being one of the most rebellious and individualistic of the group, he wakes up the critic and the censure of the culture society of our time. During his trajectory Fred Friedrich has appeared in various stages and contests as: "Bienal Portugal with an impressive installation called "Zyklon B", "Premio de Pintura Focus- Abengoa in Sevilla, in "Biennal del Milenio in Granada, "The Open West" in Gloucester Cathedral, in "Art Prize laguna 2012" in Venice, in "Premios Iberoamericanos Cortés de Cádiz and many other more.
At present time the prestigious gallery Agora Gallery in Chelsea, promote his impressive project "Fin de Ciel" also in collaboration with "Whitney Amsterdam Gallery.
See also
- List of German painters
- Postmodern
- Neoexpressionism
- Abstract expressionism
- Tachisme
- Action Painting
- Digital art
- Gonzalez, Antonio Manuel:The key art. Latest trends, Metro, Barcelona, 1991 ISBN 84-316-2726-3
- Briggs, John: "Chaos. Expeditionen in fraktale Neue Welten", Hanser, New York, 1992
- Cirolt, Lourdes: "The latest trends in painting, Vicens-Vives, Barcelona, 1990 ISBN 84-316-2726-3