Freemasonry in Mexico

Many presidents of Mexico were Freemasons. Freemasonry has greatly influenced political actions in the early republic, as holder of conservative ideas gathered in lodges of the Scottish Rite, while reformists choose the York Rite. Hence escoceses became synonymous with Conservatives, and yorkinos with Liberals. Santa Anna was a Scottish Rite Mason.[1]


Freemasonry arrived in colonial Mexico during the second half of the 18th century, brought by French immigrants who settled in the capital. However, they were condemned by the local Inquisition and forced to desist. It is probable, though no written evidence exists, that there were itinerant lodges in the Spanish army in New Spain. Freemasons may even have been able to participate in the first autonomist movements, then for independence, conveying the ideas of enlightenment in the late 18th century. Some historians both Freemasons and non-Freemasons, including Leon Zeldis Mendel and José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli emphasized, that Freemasonry in Latin America had built its own mythology, well away from what history records.[2] The confusion between Patriotic Latin American Societies and Masonic lodges is tenuous. Between the late 18th and early 19th century, their operative structure was very similar, as is indicated by the historian Virginia Guedea.[3]

The first Masonic Lodge of Mexico, 'Arquitectura Moral', was founded in 1806. The year 1813 saw the creation of the first Grand Lodge of Mexico, Scottish Rite [4]

Jose Maria Mateos, a leading Liberal politician of the late 19th century, stated in 1884 that illustrious autonomist and independentist as Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon and Ignacio Allende, were Freemasons. According to Mateos, they were for the most part, initiated in the lodge Arquitectura Moral (now Bolivar No. 73), but it is true that there are no documents to prove his point. Instead, there are documents that tend to prove that the first Governor of the independent Mexico, the emperor Agustín de Iturbide and the Dominican friar Servando Teresa de Mier were Freemasons. But it is true that it was common that the Inquisition used the charge of belonging to Freemasonry for autonomist and independentist, which guarantee the impossibility of proving the innocence of the accused, having regard to the clandestine nature of the Orders. Thus, the archives of the Inquisition merely increase the uncertainties on this subject.

From the independence in 1821 and until 1982, it is believed that many of the leaders of Mexico belonged to the freemasonry. When political independence came about, the few existing lodges came out of hiding and multiplied. With the advent of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States Joel Roberts Poinsett, the young Mexican Freemasonry is divided into two political movements, without really being defined. Poinsett promotes the creation of the Lodge of York Rite, close to the interests of the United States. Against to the realization of the interventionist theory Manifest Destiny, conservative Freemasons of the Scottish Lodge of the young Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, headed by the last viceroy doctor from Barcelona, Manuel Codorniu, manifest through the newspaper "El Sol". Thus, around the lodges of the York Rite, meet the Freemasons relatives of American liberalism, what would become the "conservative", but remain close to the Scottish lodges heirs of the Spanish liberalism. Soon, the Freemasons, which do not identify with the existing alternatives, will choose a third way in founding in 1825, a national rite called the National Mexican Rite, which will aim to create a politic model and a clean government in Mexico.

During the French military occupation that began Maximilian I of Mexico to the throne in 1864, various French military lodges, dependent on the Grand Orient de France, arrived in Mexico, but disappear when the French leave the country. Thus, it is very likely that these Itinerant Lodges of the French Rite, regarding to their status invaders, no left influences of ritual. At the museum of Masonic Grand Orient of France, one of retained the standard is a banner of one of those lodges is conserved.

During the nineteenth century Freemasonry was being heralded as a means of removing the influences of the Catholic Church. Several of the men who were masons, had expressed a desire to free women from the church's grasp through education and approached Laureana Wright de Kleinhans to help spread freemasonry. Though she was totally committed to the education of women, she ultimately rejected the organization because they refused to acknowledge the equality of men and women and in fact had an initiation oath which declared "never admit to their ranks a blind man, a madman, or a woman".[5]

Majors rites

York Rite

The York Rite bodies in Mexico is integrated in two bodies who practices the Royal Arch Masonry, as recognized internationally:

The York Rite bodies have a horizontal structure, as opposed to the vertical Scottish Rite where the philosophical degrees commence with the 4th to the 33rd degree. However, the entrance has always been through the Royal Arch degrees, which enable all Master Masons now as Royal Arch Masons, to continue their path in search of further light in Masonry with the Cryptic and Commandery degrees. These last two degrees can be chosen separately and in no particular order, however one must show proof of affiliation to a Grand Chapter in order to apply.

In Mexico the only regular working york rite body, which is recognized internationally is the Royal Arch. Efforts have been made to acquire recognition and regularity by the remaining bodies. Proof of this, are the several changes and restructuring York Rite Masonry has had to endure in Mexico. As a result, only The General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International supports and acknowledges two Royal Arch Grand Chapters in Mexico:

(Gran Capítulo de Masones del Real Arco de México)

Located in Morelia, state of Michoacán, and presided(2014–2017) by:

M.E.C. Crispín Ernesto Gamboa Ramírez as Grand High Priest;

M.E.C. Carlos Alberto Pérez-Vélez Olvera as Grand King;

M.E.C. Pedro Alejandro Villanueva Escabi as Grand Scribe;

M.E.C. Jaime Pérez-Velez Olvera PGHP as Grand Secretary;

M.E.C. Alberto Ruiz Mitre as Grand Treasurer.

The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Mexico have 3 constituent chapters:

Michoacán No. 1

Quintana Roo No. 4

Nayarit No. 5

(Gran Capítulo de Masones del Real Arco de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

Located in the city of Guadalajara, state of Jalisco, and presided (2014-2016) by:

M.E.C. Hector Manuel AlemÁn Ambríz as Grand High Priest;

M.E.C. Leobardo Castellanos as Grand King;

M.E.C. Armando González Reyna as Grand Scribe;

M.E.C. Eduardo Velasco Briseño PGHP as Grand Secretary;

M.E.C. Heriberto Rodríguez Luna as Grand Trreasurer.

Both Grand Chapters have Ambassadors as appointed by the General Grand Chapter:

There are more Honorary or Invitational degrees available, Para-masonic national organizations, and even several more supposedly regular or official Grand Chapters/Grand Councils/Grand Commanderies.

Mexican Masonic Organisation


Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the United Mexican States

The Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges of the Mexican United States, Spanish: Confederación de las Grandes Regulares Logia de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, brings together the Regular Grand Lodges in Mexico since 1932. It is headed by the Masonic National Council, Spanish: Consejo Nacional Masónico, consisting of grand masters of the grand lodges members of the confederation. The confederation includes the Grand Lodges of 30 states of the 31 states that constitute the United Mexican States:

Federal Grand Lodges

Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico

Seal of the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico

The jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico covers 260 lodges. It practices the Scottish Rite Ancient and Accepted. This Grand Lodge is not regular and was accused for many jurisdiction´s invasions. The Grand Lodge of the Valley of Mexico also is irregular and no recognized for the violation of no admitting the politics in the lodges, the political parties in Mexico have covering the resolutions and the elections of Grand Masters since 2001.

This Grand Lodge has been accused of establishing lodges in territories of many Mexican jurisdictions. As a result of these problems, the member Grand Lodges of the Confederation of Mexican Grand Lodges and the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico have terminated Masonic Relations with each other.

State Grand Lodges

Seal of the Grand Logde "Guadalupe Victoria" of Durango State


  1. ↑ Santa Anna's Masonic Membership Confirmed March 29, 2016.
  2. ↑ (1997) León Zeldis, Las canteras masónicas, Madrid.
  3. ↑ (1992) Virginia Guedea, En busca de un gobierno alterno. Los "Guadalupes" de México, México
  4. ↑ Naudon 1987, p. 201
  5. ↑ Martínez Moreno, Carlos Francisco (December 2012 – April 2013). "Auge y Caída de la Masonería en México en el Siglo XiX. La Exclusión de la Mujer bajo la mirada del Discurso Masónico de Laureana Wright González". Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería (in Spanish) (San Pedro Montes de Oca, Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica) 4 (2): 130–155. ISSN 1659-4223. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
  6. ↑
  7. ↑ see article published March 23, 2009 in the newspaper El Siglo

Further reading

In Spanish

External links

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