Rail freight stock of Ireland

When formed in 1945, Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ) inherited a GSR wagon fleet insufficient for post-war requirements. A major wagon building programme in the ‘50’s and 60’s eliminated this pre-war stock. The new stock consisted of open or covered general purpose wagons of the four-wheel loose-coupled design, without vacuum brakes and limited to 35mph. There were also a few specialised wagons built for tar, grain and cattle.

These vehicles were in turn superseded and phased out by the introduction of the intermodal fleet in the 1970’s. The new liner-trains, complete with vacuum brakes and Y25/Y27 bogies, enabled high speed (60 mph) transportation.

Freight Listing

Wagon Length Introduced Numbers Tare Coupling Capacity Image
Cement "Bubble" 20’ 1964-1972 25050-25199 10t 4cwt-10t 10cwt Instantor 20 tons
Fertiliser 42’9” 1974 35001-35090 21.8 ton Instantor 40 tons
4-wheel Flat 20’ 1970-1975 27101-27791 7T 6cwt Instantor 20 ton
Bogie Flat 42’9” 1971 & 1978 30001-30212 16 ton Instantor
Bogie Flat 47’6” 1978 30219-30278 17 ton Instantor
Rail Truck 62’ 1973 24224-24240 20T 10CWT Instantor 41.5 ton
Bogie Cement 42’9” 1979 33001-33012 22 ton Instantor 52 ton
Ballast Hopper 20’ 1972 & 1977 24113-24148, 24250-24263 9t 8cwt Instantor 20 tons
Ammonia Instantor
Wagon Instantor timber flat 62'

See also

External links

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