Fukaya category

In symplectic topology, a discipline within mathematics, a Fukaya category of a symplectic manifold (M, \omega) is a category \mathcal F (M) whose objects are Lagrangian submanifolds of M, and morphisms are Floer chain groups: \mathrm{Hom} (L_0, L_1) = FC (L_0,L_1). Its finer structure can be described in the language of quasi categories as an A-category.

They are named after Kenji Fukaya who introduced the A_\infty language first in the context of Morse homology, and exist in a number of variants. As Fukaya categories are A-categories, they have associated derived categories, which are the subject of a celebrated conjecture of Maxim Kontsevich: the homological mirror symmetry. This conjecture has been verified by computations for a variety of comparatively simple examples.(Examples?)


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