Funnel-web spider
A funnel-web spider of the family Agelenidae sitting in its funnel-shaped web.
Funnel-web spider refers to several different species of spider, particularly those who spin a web in the shape of a funnel:
- Corner funnel weaver
- Araneomorph funnel-web spider, the modern funnel-web spider, suborder Araneomorph
- Australian funnel-web spider, including
- Funnel-web tarantula:
- Dipluridae, suborder Mygalomorphae
- Hexathelidae or Venomous funnel-web tarantula, suborder Mygalomorphae
- Nemesiidae, suborder Mygalomorphae
- Dwarf tarantula or Sheet funnel-web spider, type of spider from the family Mecicobothriidae
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