Fusion Power Associates

Fusion Power Associates is a non-profit group in Gaithersburg, MD which advocates for fusion power through research and education. It was co-founded by Dr. Stephen O. Dean, Dr. Alvin Trivelpiece and Dr. Nicholas Krall in 1979. The association presents awards annually to individuals, recognizing leadership, distinguished career, and excellence in fusion engineering. The association occasionally also presents special awards, for outstanding public service and for education and outreach. The association sponsors annual meetings and management-level symposia on current progress in fusion and also issues a newsletter and frequent email Fusion Program Notes.


The association is supported by dues from Institutional Members, Small Business Affiliates, Individual Affiliates and donations. The representatives of Institutional Members elect members of the association’s Board of Directors, who provide policy guidance and appoint officers responsible for day-to-day operations.

Purpose and Goals

The organizations purpose is “to ensure the timely development and acceptance of fusion as a socially, environmentally and economically attractive source of energy.” This is done primarily through providing timely information on the status of fusion development and plasma science via the issuance of newsletters and email Fusion Program Notes and the sponsorship of annual management-level technical symposia. This is realized through a set of goals:

  1. Bring about a smooth, timely transition from research on fusion science and technology to engineering development and practical applications.
  2. Foster cooperation among all public and private organizations, including government, universities, national laboratories and industry.
  3. Establish increased public awareness and understanding of the potential applications of fusion science and technology.
  4. Foster the use of fusion science and technology in both commercial and government applications, including such areas as energy, space and national security.

Annual Meetings

The group holds management-level meetings and symposia. These have been held annually since 1980. Summaries of these symposia were published in the Journal of Fusion Energy through 2002. Since then, the presentations have been posted online.


The association maintains the historical record of all funding provided, by fiscal year, since 1950 by the U.S. government. This is roughly a quarter of the worlds' fusion funding . Shortly after its incorporation in 1979, the association began to issue monthly executive newsletters to its members and affiliates. This practice continued through 2005. Since then the association has relied primarily on email distribution of frequent Fusion Program Notes. The early Executive Newsletters have been archived.


The association presents leadership, distinguished career, excellence in fusion engineering, and Special Awards. Nominations, accepted from any source, are due by June 15 of each year. The recipients are selected by a vote of the Board of Directors. Leadership Awards have been presented annually since 1980 to individuals "who have shown outstanding leadership qualities in accelerating the development of fusion." Distinguished Career Awards have been presented annually since 1987 to individuals “who have made distinguished, lifelong, career contributions to fusion development.” Excellence in Fusion Engineering Awards, established in 1987 in memory of MIT professor David J. Rose, have been presented to “individuals in the early part of their careers who have shown both technical accomplishment and potential to become exceptionally influential leaders in the fusion field.” Special Awards have been given periodically since 1980 “to recognize individuals who have made some special contribution to the cause of fusion development.” A list of recipients is posted online.


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