Fyens Stiftstidende A/S
Fyens Stiftstidende A/S is a Danish media company, primarily centred on the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende. It is owned 100% by Den Fynske Bladfond. It also publishes the periodical Xtra Fyens Stiftstidende and EjendomsAvisen FYN.
Associated or owned companies
The company owns Fyens Distribution A/S, which distributes the newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende, as well as:
- Område Avisen Nordfyn A/S (100%)
- Lokal-Avisen, Assens ApS (100%)
- Ugeavisen Odense K/S (50%)
- Radio 3 ApS (50%)
- Portal Fyn ApS (51%)
- Ugeavisen Svendborg K/S (10%)
- De Bergske Blade K/S (16%)
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