GIS Live DVD is a type of the thematic Live CD containing GIS/RS applications and related tutorials, and sample data sets. The general sense of a GIS Live DVD is to demonstrate the power of FLOSS GIS and encourage users to start on FLOSS GIS. However a disc can be used GIS data processing and training too. A disc usually includes some selected Linux based or Wine (software) enabled Windows applications for GIS and Remote Sensing use. Using this disc the end users can execute GIS functions to get experience in Free and open source software solutions or solve some simple business operations. The set-up and the operating behaviour of the applications can also be studied prior to building real FLOSS GIS based systems. Recently a LiveDVD image is stored and booted from USB (Live USB).

Use cases

There can be multiple use cases:


The creation is usually based on an existing Live CD. Some of the GIS and Remote sensing applications are already included in the basic Linux distribution. Some other packages has got "ready to install" versions while some others need to be translated from the source code. After having got all applications and related contents (e.g. documentations, sample data) installed the image of the Live DVD is create by the basic distribution provided tools.

Risks and assumptions

The CASCADOSS research project has identified the following risks of disc creation[1]


The following diagram presents a general function–means tree of the GIS LiveDVDs:[1]

Existing GIS Live DVDs


[2] Primary use is professional archaeological work. Distributor: Arc-Team Italy. Basic Operating system: Debian, 2010, Software included: AutoQ3D, OpenJUMP GIS, XvidCap, QCAD, Saga, ParaView, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, JSVR, WhiteDune, Pmapper, GRASS

Cascadoss LiveDVD ver 3.0

[3] Primary uses are evaluation and training. Distributor: Compet-Terra Bt. Hungary as a member of the CASCADOSS project. Basic distribution: Fedora 11. GIS software included: Grass, gvSIG, ivics, ISIS Modelling Software, JUMP GIS, Kosmo, QGIS, SAGA, Ilwis, Spatialite, GeoNetwork opensource, MapServer, GeoServer, Openlayers, R, Postgresql, postgis, Data included: sample data from Belgium, Poland, Bohemia and sample data of the applications.

Debian GIS Live image

[4] Primary use is demonstration. Distributor: Software in the Public Interest, Inc., United States of America. Basic distribution: Debian, 2007, GIS Software Included: Qgis 0.8.0-5, earth3d 1.0.5-1, mapnik 0.4.0-1, Grass 6.2.1-3, gpsbabel 1.3.3-2, mapserver 4.10.2-1, gpsdrive 2.09-2.2, kflog 2.1.1-3.1, postgis 1.2.1-2

Esri Geoportal Server Live DVD

[5] Primary use is evaluation and demonstration. Distributor: Esri, Inc., United States of America. Basic distribution: Debian Squeeze, GIS Software Included: Esri Geoportal Server 1.2.5

FOSS4G 2009 Live DVD

[6] Primary uses are demonstration, education and installation. Distributor: The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, Basic distribution: Ubuntu Hardy, 2009, Software included: GDAL/OGR, mapserver, Grass, postgis, pgadmin, grass, gdal-grass plugin, proj, geoserver, uDig, gvSIG, R-spatial, GeoNetwork opensource

FOSS4G 2008 "Practical Introduction to GRASS" workshop Live DVD

[7] Primary use is education. FOSS4G 2008 "Practical Introduction to GRASS and related software for beginners" Workshop Live DVD. Creator: M. Ciolli, C. Tattoni, P. Zatelli, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Trento, Italy. Basic operating system: Kubuntu 8.04. Software: GRASS GIS 6.2.3 and GRASS GIS 6.4 (snapshot_2008_7_12), R 2.7.0 with GRASS support, QGIS 0.10 with GRASS plugin, PostgreSQL 8.3.8, PostGIS 1.3.3, pgAdminIII 1.8.2, pgagent 1.8.2, GRASS tutorial and workshop slides.


[8] Primary use is education. Creator: Jan Růžička, František Klímek, Institute of Geoinformatics, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Czech Republic. Basic distribution: Knoppix, 2006, GIS Software. included: GRASS, Thuban, gps drive, JUMP GIS, MapLab, MapServer, QGIS, PostGIS

GIS Knoppix

[9] Primary use is demonstration. Distributor: Sourcepole AG, Switzerland. GIS Basic distribution: Knoppix Software included: GRASS 6.2, UMN MapServer 4.4.1, MapLab 2.0.1, PostgreSQL, TerraView 2.0, MapDesk, MySQL 5.0.21, JUMP GIS 1.1.2, Interlis, QGIS 0.8, Thuban 1.0.0, GSdrive, GPSMan

GIS-LiveCD Release for FOSS4G2006

[10] Primary use is demonstration. Distributor: GDF Hannover bR, Germany, Basic distribution: 2006, KNOPPIX. GIS Software included: GRASS 6.2, QGIS 0.8 CVS, MySQL, PostgreSQL


[11] Primary use is demonstration. Distributor: Omniverdi. Italy (that is a group of programmers) Basic distribution: 2008, Gentoo Software included: GRASS 6.3.0, QGIS 0.11.0, PostgreSQL 8.3.1, PostGIS 1.3.1, GDAL 1.5.0, Proj 4.5.0, PgAdmin 1.6.3 Data included: QGIS Dataset Alaska, Spearfish, North Carolina GRASS Dataset


[12] Primary use are demonstration and installation. Distributor: The live DVD project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, Basic distribution: 2012, Xubuntu Software included: OpenLayers, Geomajas, Mapbender, MapFish, GeoMoose, Sahana Eden, Ushahidi, PostGIS, SpatiaLite, Rasdaman, pgRouting, QGIS desktop and server, GRASS GIS, gvSIG, uDig, Kosmo, OpenJUMP GIS, SAGA GIS, OSSIM, Geopublisher, AtlasStyler, osgEarth, GpsDrive, Marble, OpenCPN, OpenStreetMap, Prune, Viking, zyGrib, GeoKettle, GDAL/OGR, GMT, Mapnik, MapTiler, OTB, R Spatial Task View, GeoServer, MapServer, deegree, GeoNetwork, MapProxy, 52°North WSS,52°North WPS, 52°North SOS, TinyOWS, ZOO Project, GeoTools, MetaCRS, libLAS. Data included: Natural Earth, OSGeo North Carolina, OpenStreetMap. Windows and Apple Installers for some of the above applications. A Video of the OSGeo-Live[13] is available too.


[14] Primary use is education. Creator: M. Ciolli, C. Tattoni, A. Vitti, P. Zatelli, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Trento, Italy. Basic operating system: Kubuntu 9.04 2009 GRASS, GIS 6.4RC4, PostgreSQL 8.3.7, pgAdminIII 1.8.4, QGIS 1.1.0, PostGIS 1.3.3, R 2.9.0 with gstat and spgrass6 packages, North Carolina GRASS Dataset, QGIS & GRASS Tutorials.

See also


Here are some screenshots of live CDs dedicated to GIS:


  1. 1 2 "Cascadoss LiveDVD Report" (PDF). Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  2. "ArcheOS [start]". 27 February 2013. Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  3. "Compet-Terra Kft. - Cascadoss". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  4. "Esri Geoportal Server LiveDVD Demo 2013". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  5. "FOSS4G 2009 Live DVD". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  6. "FOSS4G 2008 GRASS beginners Workshop DVD". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  7. Archived July 18, 2011, at the Wayback Machine.
  8. Archived from the original on February 8, 2010. Retrieved September 22, 2010. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  9. Archived December 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine.
  10. "Welcome to OSGeo-Live — OSGeo-Live Documentation". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  11. "Cameron Shorter". Retrieved 16 January 2015.
  12. "The Italian GRASS reference DVD". Retrieved 16 January 2015.

External links

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