Gadgets Gully virus

Gadgets Gully virus
Virus classification
Group: Group IV ((+)ssRNA)
Family: Flaviviridae
Genus: Flavivirus


Gadgets Gully virus (GGYV) is an arbovirus, a member of the flavivirus family first isolated from the hard tick Ixodes uriae,[1] and named after Gadget's Gully on Macquarie Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The virus antibodies were found in several species of penguin and antibodies were found in humans. It is believed that some species of seabird forms a natural reservoir of the virus.


  1. Humphrey-Smith; et al. (1991). "Seroepidemiolgy of arboviruses among seabirds and island residents of the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea". Epidemiology and Infection 107: 435–440.

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