Galaxy Public School

Galaxy Public School
Kathmandu, Bagmati Zone
Type Coeducational
Motto Love and Service
Established 1986
Principal Mrs.Geeta Rana
Headteacher Navin Gurung
Number of students


Nickname G.P.S./Galaxy
Information +977-01-4411362 +977-01-4410076

Galaxy Public School is located in Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal and schools over 2,500 students. Established in 1986, this school was awarded the "Best School of the Nation" twice. It offers education across levels of Kindergarten to School Leaving Certificate level, along with 10+2 in Science and Commerce specialization.


The school aims to introduce a broader and more balanced curriculum to enable all pupils to develop the qualities and skills needed in adult life. The school provides support to the students who are excellent at Science and Technology, Social services and Culture & Sports by developing various skills and imparting knowledge.It prepares students for the S.L.C. Examinations and the Higher Secondary Examinations. In other sections of the school, the school follows its own curriculum which has been designed to meet the needs of students.

A common curriculum made up of Moral Education, English, Nepali, Mathematics, science, Environmental Science, Social Studies, Art & Craft and Computer Studies is taught in all the other classes. Pre-school consists of two levels: Prep I and Prep II. The minimum age for admission into Prep I is 3 + years. For Prep II it is 4 + years. Informal education is imparted to students in the pre-school. The children are made to do a lot of oral work, indulge in various kinds of activities, play games, do simple practicals, go for excursions, and observe different things and phenomenon. Teachers use several audio-visual aids in order to demonstrate the lessons. The aim of the curriculum at this stage is to make children creative and innovative. To develop good toilet habits, to encourage children to eat healthy foods and to make them aware of the benefits of good health. The Kindergarten school is of one year. The minimum age for admission to this class is 5+ years. Formal education stars from this class. Apart from oral work, activities, games, practicals and excursions children are introduced to subjects like English, Nepali, Maths, Science, Social Studies and Computer Studies.

The Primary School consists of classes 1 to 5. In addition to oral work, activities, games, practicals, excursions etc., students are taught subjects like English, Nepali, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Studies, Moral Science, General Knowledge and Health Education. They are taught gymnastics and swimming. Co-curricular activities such as singing, dance and instrumental music are taught.

The Lower Secondary School consists of classes 6 to 8. Besides English, Nepali, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Computer Studies, Moral Science, General Knowledge, the students are introduced to advanced level Mathematics and E. P. H. (Environment Health & Population) Co-curricular activities also includes Club activities.

The Secondary School consists of classes 9 and 10. The HMG (S. L. C.) curricular is followed in these classes. The students, however, take part in co-curricular activities and club activities. They are also introduced to a course in Advanced Level English.

The Higher Secondary School consists of classes 11 and 12. The HSEB curricular is followed in between commerce and science subjects. The students of this level take part in various co-curricular activities.i


The aim is to provide an all round education in which children are prepared to face any crisis in life with moral dignity and to become useful and loyal citizens of the country. This understanding is reflected in the school motto: LOVE and SERVICE. Galaxy seeks to prepare a student, not merely to pass examinations or enter a profession, but also aims at creating a tolerant, balanced, independent individual with the right attitude of mind and spirit and a desire to help others. At Galaxy, every student has the opportunity to participate in each activity.

The school seeks to involve our students in an active academic community which cherishes diversity of thought and expression. In doing so, we will help our students discover ways they can most effectively contribute to the common good with love and service. The school does not subscribe to any political ideology and discourages its students and members of the staff from indulging in political activities inside the school premises.

The school discharges its social obligations by imparting value-based education in tune with Nepalese culture and traditions. Though the school does not propagate any particular religion, it encourages students to respect all positive religions and to imbibe the best from all religions.

The school believes that proper education can only be imparted to children only when the School, the Home and the Society work in tandem in a spirit of mutual respect. Any misgivings about the integrity of any of these three agencies could seriously damage the delicate relationship between three agencies of education.


The library is a major resource of any modern institution. Students cannot acquire knowledge only through text books or classroom lectures. The library is of great help in the fulfillment of their aim because it provides ample opportunities for acquiring knowledge. The knowledge gained through the class may be forgotten after some time but that which the students acquire themselves through self study will be remembered by them even after leaving school.

The library does the work of a teacher for students. It will not be wrong to say that the defects of classroom teaching can be rectified through the library. A library is a house of books, journals, cassettes and other written literature preserved for consultation and reference. It provides information, acts as a means of self-education and stimulates one to participate in national welfare. A library plays a vital role in making citizens enlightened. It furnishes information on all subjects, provides education to participate intelligently in a society and gives an opportunity of reading for pleasure. It satisfies the intellectual needs of an individual child.

The school has one open shelf library that is designed to encourage students to develop an interest in a variety of subjects. Every class has a separate class library from which students can borrow books. A book is usually issued to each student for a period of one week.

The libraries have a wide range of books to meet the demands of every age group and taste. They endeavor to develop the reading habit and the appreciation of literature among the students. The various reference books help students to acquire in-depth knowledge and also help students to develop an independence in solving problems. The libraries subscribe to newspapers, journals, magazines and periodicals, thus keeping the students in touch with happenings in Nepal and in the outside world.

The Central Library has an audio-visual section. It has a large number of audio and video cassettes on various subjects. Language skills are promoted through this medium. Documentaries/Children's films are screened at regular intervals.

Language laboratory

The school has a language laboratory which caters especially to the students preparing for the SLC exams. The laboratory has audio and video equipment. It has a collection of audio and video tapes to enable students to improve their listening skills. Students of all classes have access to the lab.

Science laboratories

There are Science laboratories having facilities for practical work in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. These encourage students to learn through experiment and research. Students who have opted for science at the 10+2 level, do laboratory work to reinforce their learning. Students of all classes make regular visits to the laboratories to get a first hand experience of the things taught in class. Teachers who teach science show experiments taken from real life. Such a method involves active participation of students. Science exhibitions are held at regular intervals to give the students an opportunity to display their powers of observation and inference.

Computer laboratories

Due to the rapid development in the field of Information Technology (IT) and its applications in the business world, the demand for skilled manpower in the information technology has increased too. One of the top ten skills that every employer of the modern world would like in an employee is an ability to operate computers. Thus one cannot expect a good job even though he/she holds good academic qualification unless he/she has good knowledge of computers. To be a successful employer too, one needs to keep pace with the changing face of the latest technology. The industry like any other industry is one of the most favorable and potential sectors for national economic expansion. To be able to use computers, it is essential that you are proficient in applications such as Word Processing, Databases, Spreadsheet, Graphical Presentation, Internet and Electronic Mail and efficient in Operating System and Programming Logic & Techniques which have now become an important part of the school curriculum. A good computer education is one which is designed to develop your global career.An Internet connection, enables one to talk to his/her friends and families around any part of the world, gather invaluable information, exchange news, learn foreign languages, find new friends, meet people, make reservations, maintain bank accounts, observe multimedia educational software, learn and test one's knowledge of software development etc.Thus Computer Studies have been introduced as a part of the regular curriculum. There are three computer laboratories equipped with 197 computers. Students are taught the use of computers as a resource.In its effort to keep up with the latest advances in Information Technology, the school has launched its own Website From the website, parents can get information about the recent developments in the school. They can also read the circulars issued by the school.

Residential hostel and dormitories

The school hostel provides students residing outside Kathmandu valley with an opportunity to study.The hostel is under the direct supervision of the Principal, and is looked after by hostel wardens and matrons. The school tries to draw inspiration from the Gurukul system of education where the students live inside the school premises to grasp traditional Hindu values under the able guidance of the gurus.

The school has several hostels where students learn to live together, learn together and play together. The students follow a fixed time table on all days of the week. Their day begins at 5:30 a.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. Study classes are held in the mornings and evenings. The time table ensures that all students get ample opportunity to take part in co-curricular activities.

Medical facilities

Children's health is supervised by a medical team. The school has a 10-bed infirmary under the charge of a nursing sister. The children undergo routine medical check-ups. In case of emergency, they are taken to specialists at major city hospitals.

There is a sick room, every students are allowed to visit sick room if they feel they are unwell. Sick room consists of health advisors and if case is serious the guardians are called and transportation are managed by the school to close hospitals.

External links

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