Game Night (web series)

Game Night is an online sitcom web series revolving around four dysfunctional friends and their quirky lives as told over their weekly game night. It premiered on October 25, 2010 on YouTube and on the official Game Night - The Online Sitcom website.[1] The series features an eclectic bunch of characters including East-Indian Americans Ajay (Ashwin Gore) and Leon (Rajan Velu), the awkward Australian Benny (Simon Dooley), and the Southern beauty Megan (Sarah Zurell). Game Night is produced by Life I.F.T productions in Los Angeles.[2]


Game Night was created by Australian actors Ashwin Gore, Rajan Velu and Simon Dooley through their newly established production company Life I.F.T.[3][4][5] The series is based on their real life experiences of living in Los Angeles. Ashwin Gore wrote the series while on a trip to Australia, and within two weeks of his return, the boys quickly gathered an equally passionate cast and crew to shoot the series. The lack of diverse shows in Australia prompted the move to Los Angeles, where the industry is more open to multi-ethnic casting.[6]


Season 1 (2010)

Episode 1 - Flate Rates: The boys meet up for their weekly game night only to find that Ajay has invited a girl that he has never met or seen.

Episode 2 - Oh, Poo!: Ajay fails to create a good first impression on the newest Game Night member when Megan spots a bird poo stain on his back.

Episode 3 - Bring A Friend: Things get tense around the Game Night table when the boys each bring a friend for Game Night’s first ‘theme’ week.

Episode 4 - Playing Dress Up: The Game Night crew talk all things costume as Ajay returns from a disastrous day at work as a kids party entertainer.

Episode 5 - Exuberant Dreams: After missing Game Night because of a dinner meeting, Alison goes on a rant about tipping etiquette. Leon continues to tease Ajay about his infatuation with Megan.

Characters and cast


Further reading

External links

Streaming webisodes

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