Gaoxu Rebellion

The Gaoxu Rebellion was a rebellion by Zhu Gaoxu, Prince of Han and 2nd son of the Yongle Emperor against his son, the Xuande Emperor (grandson of the Yongle Emperor through his 1st son, Hongxi Emperor)

Main article: Jingnan Campaign



  1. (清)谷應泰,《明史紀事本末》(卷27):“成祖永樂二年,立郡王高煦為漢王,仁宗同母弟也。初,文皇起兵時,世子居守。高煦狙詐多智,以材武自負,善騎射,從征白溝、東昌有功。江上之戰,文皇兵卻,高煦適引騎兵至,文皇撫其背曰:「吾病矣,汝努力,世子多疾。」已而議建儲藩府,舊臣淇國公丘福、駙馬王寧皆善高煦,時時稱二殿下。文皇曰:「居守功高於扈從,儲貳分定於嫡長。且元子仁賢,又太祖所立,真社稷主,汝等勿復言。」至是,立世子東宮,封高煦漢王,國雲南;高燧趙王,國彰德。高煦怏怏不肯去,曰:「我何罪,斥我萬里。」文皇不悅。太子力解,得暫留京師。又請得天策衛為護衛,曰:「唐太宗天策上將,吾得之豈偶然。」又請益兩護衛,曰:「我英武,豈不類秦王世民乎?」又嘗作詩,有「申生徒守死,王祥枉受凍」之語。”
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