
Gargling is the act in which one bubbles a liquid in one's mouth. It usually requires that the head be tilted back, allowing a mouthful of liquid to sit in the upper throat. The head can be tilted by extending either the neck or the back, depending on what is comfortable for the gargler. Vibration caused by the muscles in the throat and back of the mouth cause the liquid to bubble and undulate throughout the throat and mouth region.

A study in Japan has shown that gargling water a few times a day will lower the chance of upper respiratory infections such as colds, though other medical experts are doubtful.[1]

Gargling can help with Cough, which is a disorder which is either caused due to the over-deposition of Mucus from the nose to the throat (that's why people get cold before cough) or because of a swelling in the internal walls of the throat due to any reason. Gargling rinses the throat and floods the Mucus from the throat to the tongue (from where one can spit or clean it off). For the cough due to inflammation in throat, the water soothes the inflammation and this eases the throat. warm water with a pinch of salt is advisable for gargle when one has cough.


  1. Boyles, Salynn (2005-10-19). "Does Gargling With Water Prevent Colds?". WebMD. Retrieved 2015-04-30.
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